A glimpse of perdition: the Istanbul earthquakes in history
Istanbul was shaken by various earthquakes throughout its history. Incoming Turks faced several major fires after occupying the city, yet they would not experience an earthquake for more than 50 years.
The first major earthquake occurred under Turkish rule in 1509, during the reign of Sultan Beyazit II. More information about historical Istanbul earthquakes can be found in the Greek seismologist Nicholas Ambrasis and the important British historian Caroline Finkel, “The Seismic of Turkey and Nearby Areas: A Historical Review, 1500-1800”, and the symposium, “Natural Disasters and Earthquakes in Anatolia throughout History.”
Horrible day
In the early hours of the morning of September 10, 1509, Istanbul was rocked by a great earthquake. Before the residents could realize what was happening, the entire city was destroyed. According to experts, the 1509 earthquake in Istanbul was the largest in the eastern Mediterranean since the first millennium and can be felt across an area stretching from Bolu provinces to Edirne. It also affected far-reaching sites such as Bursa, Iznik, Gebze, Izmit Bay, Polo, Gelibolu (Gallipoli), Edirne and Dimitoka (Didymoteko). According to local and foreign sources at the time, between 5,000-13,000 died from the earthquake and more than 10,000 were injured. Given that the Istanbul population was around 200,000 at the time, this means that approximately 10% of the city’s population was either killed or They were injured.
The death toll was high as the earthquake struck at night, and survivors fled their homes before they knew what was happening.
The earthquake caused tremendous waves across the sea, flying over the walls of Galatia and hitting the city. The accounts are unclear as to whether these waves were destroying the city walls or homes. Due to insignificant historical sources, we cannot know to what extent the waves affected the city.
City demolished
109 mosques were completely destroyed, while most of the remainder suffered damage to their minarets. While 1,070 houses collapsed, 49 towers along the Istanbul walls collapsed or were destroyed. The domes and columns of the Al-Fateh and Beyazid mosques, the largest in the city at the time, were leveled.
The earthquake also destroyed schools and hospitals. The minaret attached to the Hagia Sophia Grand Mosque, built after the conquest of Istanbul, collapsed. The earthquake damaged the Rumeli Fort, the Anatolian Fort, the Urus Castle in Anatolia Kavagi, and the Kulesi Cistern (Virgo).
Even the Sultan’s Palace, Topkapi Palace was not spared. Bayezid’s second bedroom collapsed in the earthquake, and the Sultan was saved only by the fact that he left his room just hours ago. After staying for ten days in a tent erected in the palace garden, Bayezid II went to stay in Edirne.
The earthquake devastated countless lives. People felt that the Day of Resurrection had arrived. Indeed, the earthquake was so devastating for Istanbul that historians referred to it as “Kiyamet i Sugra” or “Little Judgment Day”.
The biggest crisis occurred with no resulting accommodation. Although 1,070 formal homes collapsed, thousands of other homes survived undamaged. However, given that the aftershocks continued for 45 days after the initial earthquake, people were unable to return to their homes for a long time. Since it was summer, asylum abroad has not been a big deal.
The destruction or collapse of food stores, shops, bakeries and grain factories led to food shortages. The breakdown of water channels or the water supply system has also made it difficult for people to find drinking water.
Reconstruction for two months
Divan-ı Hümayun (Imperial Council) convened after the earthquake and made decisions to deal with the aftermath of the disaster.
Istanbul had to be rebuilt and an additional tax of “22 akches” would be imposed on each family for this task, it was decided. In order to understand the situation in Istanbul, damage assessment work was carried out in the earthquake-affected areas. Then, an empire-wide initiative was launched to rebuild the city. Tens of thousands of workers, construction workers, and carpenters were brought to Istanbul from both Anatolia and Rumelia. Moreover, the soldiers were assigned to purchase the materials.
As of March 29, 1510, construction work in the city was hastily underwent and completed on June 1, 1510. Thanks to well-prepared plans, in only two months, the city walls, bridges, and parts of Anatolia and Rumeli, the castles, Virgo, houses, mosques, schools, inns, and fountains were successfully repaired or restored. .
Pre-Ottoman earthquakes
Twelve years after the establishment of Constantinople, in 342, an earthquake occurred east of the city but caused no major damage. On August 24, 358, however, the earthquake that struck Izmit also affected Istanbul.
In the wake of this major earthquake, the earthquakes that struck Istanbul in 402, 412, 417, 423, 437, and 442 caused severe damage to the city, although it was not like the earthquake in 358. But the earthquake in 447 caused great damage in Istanbul. A large part of the city walls collapsed.
Earthquakes in 450, 477, 487, 525, and 533 also caused damage in Istanbul. On the other hand, the earthquake that struck the city on August 16 was 542 massive: many houses, fortified walls and statues were demolished and thousands were killed. Again, the damage caused by the May 7 earthquake, 558 in the aftermath of the 546 and 557 earthquakes was also significant. The Hagia Sophia dome and thousands of homes collapsed.
After the earthquake 583 and 611, Istanbul was earthquake-free for a long time. Nearly 130 years later, however, on October 26 740, Istanbul was hit by a major earthquake.
This earthquake was followed by others on 780, 790, 860, 866, 869, 989 and 1010. Two earthquakes also destroyed the city on August 13, 1032 and March 6, 1033, respectively. Earthquakes followed in 1042 and 1064.
On March 1, 1202, another earthquake struck the city. Soon after this earthquake, Istanbul fell under the Latin occupation, which lasted until 1261. During the Latin occupation, a strong earthquake on March 11, 1231 caused damage to the city and its walls. Then another earthquake occurred in the year 1280. On June 1, 1296, Friday, seven years after the 1289 earthquake, which was not massive, the largest earthquake struck the city at night.
Historians write that Istanbul was leveled to the ground in this latest earthquake. Demolishing homes, palaces, churches, and city walls. Floods occurred and aftershocks continued for two months.
In January 1303, Istanbul was struck by two successive earthquakes. The 1332 earthquake destroyed many houses and churches with statues. The earthquake on October 18, 1343 was very strong. The city walls, which were badly damaged, underwent extensive repairs. Hagia Sophia was also damaged during that earthquake. After the earthquake of 1402, the 1419 earthquake witnessed large waves flooding the city walls. The last earthquake to hit Istanbul during the Byzantine period was in 1437.
* Historian, President of the National Defense University, Ankara
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