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Erdogan reveals infrastructure plans for the earthquake zone

Erdogan reveals infrastructure plans for the earthquake zone
Erdogan reveals infrastructure plans for the earthquake zone



President Recep Tayyip Erdogan unveiled plans to renovate earthquake-affected areas, with a focus on infrastructure development and housing and employment initiatives.

In his speech to the media, Erdogan stressed the government's commitment to promoting growth and stability in earthquake-hit areas.

“We have created the infrastructure to achieve breakthroughs that will prepare these cities for the future through production, job opportunities and exports,” he said during a visit to Kahramanmaraş on the anniversary of last year’s devastating earthquake.

Erdogan announced the launch of a housing and employment project that aims to focus defense industry investments in earthquake-stricken cities. The project, which focuses on Kahramanmaraş and other affected areas, aims to provide housing for thousands of beneficiaries while stimulating economic activity by creating job opportunities.

Erdogan outlined plans to establish a major aviation facility in Kahramanmaraş, which will produce components for the country's defense industry, including the Turkish Anka drone.

The President announced the establishment of a large facility in Kahramanmaraş to produce aerostructures through the Turkish Aerospace Industries Corporation (TUSAŞ). He announced: “We are making Kahramanmaraş our second center for defence, aviation and space industry after Ankara.”

Furthermore, he detailed plans to establish industrial parks in Hatay's Kirkhan region and Gaziantep, with the aim of strengthening Turkey's defense capabilities and encouraging innovation in carbon fiber technology.

Erdogan also reiterated his pledge to hand over 200,000 homes in earthquake zones by the end of the year, with plans to increase this number to 390,000 in the near future.

Reflecting on the country's resilience in the face of adversity, Erdogan said: “There are very few countries and societies that can stand as strong as Turkey in the face of a disaster affecting nearly 14 million people.”

While the President celebrated the first anniversary of the earthquake, he stressed that the removal of the rubble and the significant progress in rebuilding the city indicate a hopeful future.

He expressed his gratitude to the 85 million citizens who rallied around the earthquake victims, praising the “heroes – whether serving or volunteering – who made superhuman efforts” in harsh winter conditions during the first hours and days of the disaster.

He added: “We will search for ways to build our future in a safer and stronger way, and turn this sad history into a testimony of our steadfastness and national unity.”




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