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Highlights from the Alzheimer’s Association International Conference 2020 | tidings


CHICAGO, July 30, 2020 / PRNewswire / – Research presented at Alzheimer’s Association International Conference (AAIC2020 suggests that influenza (influenza) and pneumonia vaccination after age 60, as well as BMI at a young age, among other health factors, are associated with a lower risk of Alzheimer’s and other dementias.

“These new findings reported at AAIC 2020 make an even stronger case for the potential for lifelong behavioral interventions to reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s and other dementias,” he said. Maria C. Carrillo, Ph.D., Chief Officer of the Alzheimer’s Association.

Other new data reported at AAIC 2020 showed:

  • Blood tests measuring abnormal versions of the tau protein can be verified through further research to diagnose Alzheimer’s dementia without further confirmation; namely, by not requiring autopsy examination, or both a scan of the amyloid emission tomography and tau positron (PET).
  • Heart health risk factors like high blood pressure, diabetes and overweight since adolescence can affect late life memory and cognition, especially in African-Americans.
  • Higher quality education in early life is associated with better language and memory performance and lower risk of late life dementia. This association can vary between men and women and between black and white individuals.

At AAIC 2020, the Alzheimer’s Association announced the launch of a new international research study to trace and understand globally the long-term impact of new coronavirus exposure on the brain, including cognition, behavior, and function. Scientists from more than 30 countries are eager to participate, and the World Health Organization is providing technical assistance as we move this important collaboration forward. To build a solid foundation for this research, we will align with existing studies such as the Framingham Heart Study and clinics from around the world on how data are measured and collected. To better understand the impact of the virus on the brain, we will consider cross-study collaborations.

AAIC is the leading annual forum for presenting and discussing the latest Alzheimer’s research and dementia. This year’s free, virtual conference event attracted all-time high numbers of both registered participants (more than 22,000) and scientific presentations (more than 3,000). “AAIC ‘s experience being freely accessible and online further allows dementia scientists around the world to share and discuss the latest findings, and network to build new collaborations that generate ideas that lead to a world free of Alzheimer’s and all the other madness, “said Carrillo.

Additional Details AAIC Highlights:
Influenza and pneumonia vaccination associated with lower Alzheimer’s risk
New research at AAIC 2020 suggests that flu vaccination and pneumonia are associated with a reduced risk of Alzheimer’s. Two elderly studies found that those who received the flu or pneumonia vaccine were less likely to develop Alzheimer’s. Those who received the flu vaccine more regularly had an even lower risk. For pneumonia vaccination, the greatest reduction in risk has been observed in people who do not carry one of the known genetic risk factors for Alzheimer’s a variant of the TOMM40 gene.

The reports provide some of the first large-scale studies investigating the relationship between vaccination and Alzheimer’s risk, highlighting the potential of vaccination as an achievable intervention, and supporting further research into the biological mechanisms underpinning the observed protective effects of vaccination.

Blood test for abnormal brain proteins can confirm diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease
Several studies at AAIC 2020 describe advances in blood tests that can more easily and accurately detect Alzheimer’s disease with greater certainty, and distinguish it from other degenerative brain disorders. Studies focused on biological markers that detect abnormal versions of tau protein in blood or plasma, including a specific form of tau known as p-tau217 that appears to be more specific for Alzheimer’s. Abnormal fever forms “tangles” that are a characteristic brain lesion in Alzheimer’s.

These changes in the tau brain were also found to indicate the accumulation of amyloid plaque, which forms the next characteristic of Alzheimer’s brain lesion. In new data reported in AAIC, p-tau217 in distinguished individuals in blood who had plaques and tangles from those without Alzheimer’s brain differ with 89% accuracy, those with wider plates and tangles with 98% accuracy, and PET tau image result with 93% accuracy. If the results are repeated and verified, this may be the first time a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s dementia, with this blood test, would be considered confirmatory which means, not requiring an autopsy examination, or both an amyloid scan and tau PET.

Blood tests can provide a simpler and more accessible approach to improve diagnosis, monitor treatment, and identify the right people for clinical trials. Families facing Alzheimer’s now and in the future would greatly benefit from a simple test that allows early detection. For example, it would allow important steps of care and planning to occur early in the disease process.

COVID-19, Alzheimer’s Research, Long-Term Care and the Brain
A powerful discussion at AAIC 2020 involved Alzheimer’s Association experts, University of Kentucky College of Medicine, Rush University Medical Center and University of Texas Health San Antonio discussing their experiences and views on emerging, provocative topics related to the impact of COVID-19 and the global pandemic on Alzheimer’s research, long-term care and brain.

The COVID-19 pandemic has further exposed health differences that exist between racial and ethnic groups due to economic and social conditions. Many of these inequalities are similarly and well documented in Alzheimer’s and other dementias. These conditions can isolate people from the resources needed to keep their families healthy and safe.

“The COVID-19 pandemic continues to create unforeseen challenges for people living with Alzheimer’s and all dementia, their families and carers. Long-term care settings are experiencing these challenges in particular. According to some estimates, more than 59,000 residents and workers have died from the coronavirus in nursing homes and other long-term care communities.Alzheimer’s Association urges state and federal policymakers to implement policy solutions addressing the immediate and long-term issues affecting care facilities during the COVID-19 pandemic, ”said Carrillo.

Early life health factors can affect the risk of Alzheimer’s and Dementia
Three studies presented at AAIC 2020 identified several early life factors that may affect Alzheimer’s risk in later life, including cardiovascular health, BMI, and quality of education.

  • A study of more than 700 African-Americans found that high blood pressure and diabetes, or a combination of multiple heart health-related factors, are common in adolescence and are associated with poorer cognition of late life. .
  • A second study with more than 5,100 seniors suggests that the higher body mass index in adulthood (20-49 years) is associated with a higher risk of dementia in later life. For women, the risk of dementia was 1.8 times higher among those who were overweight at an early age, and 2.5 times higher among those who were obese.
  • A third study found that, in a diverse group of more than 2,400 people followed for up to 21 years, higher quality education in early life was associated with better language and memory performance, and lower risk. of the madness of late life.

About the International Alzheimer’s Association Conference (AAIC)
The International Alzheimer’s Association Conference (AAIC) is the world’s largest gathering of researchers from around the world focused on Alzheimer’s and other dementias. As part of the Alzheimer’s Association research program, AAIC serves as a catalyst for generating new insights into dementia and fostering a lifelong, collegiate research community.

for Alzheimer’s Association
The Alzheimer’s Association is a worldwide health volunteer organization dedicated to caring for, supporting and researching Alzheimer’s. Our mission is to lead the way to end Alzheimer’s and all other madness by accelerating global research, reducing car risk and early detection, and maximizing quality care and support. or call 800.272.3900.

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