Earthquake safety Safety + Health
As a longtime California resident, Mimi Gatins has seen her share of earthquakes. However, none of them felt or looked quite like the ones that woke her up early on August 24, 2014.
“It appears to have been going on for several minutes, in fact, it was about 25 seconds,” Gatens said. “It's really like a freight train passing through your house.”
Thousands of earthquakes occur annually in the United States, according to data from the National Earthquake Information Center of the Geological Society of America. The vast majority of them are between 2.0 and 3.9 magnitude, strong enough to be noticed, but unlikely to cause major damage. On average, about five to 10 earthquakes a year in the United States register magnitude 6.0 or greater — and the one Gatins witnessed was a magnitude 6.0 event.
Although most buildings are built to withstand earthquakes, there are still a lot of risks. Earthquakes have killed more than 140 people in the United States over the past three decades. Two of those events were particularly deadly: a 6.9 magnitude earthquake in September 1989 south of San Francisco that killed 63 people. In January 1994, a 6.7 magnitude earthquake struck Northridge, California, killing 60 people.
Unlike other natural disasters, earthquakes often occur without warning, and no one knows where or when the next major earthquake will strike.
“Half the population of the United States is exposed to shaking at some level, according to the National Seismic Hazard Maps,” said Jason Balman, a communications specialist at the Southern California Earthquake Center. “The best thing you can do ahead of time is to practice how to stay safe when shaking occurs.”
Millions of Americans have helped prepare themselves for earthquakes by participating annually in the Great ShakeOut earthquake drill. The annual training event – held in several regions of the country, including the Midwest and Southeast – reinforces the SEC's focus on “Low, Cover and Resilient” during an earthquake.
“This means that when you feel shaking, you get down on your hands and knees, find cover under a desk or sturdy table, and hold on until the shaking stops,” Balman said. “If you find yourself in a situation where you don't have a sturdy table or desk, you want to try to find an inside corner of the room if you're inside. If you're outside, you want to try to find a place that's away from trees, power lines, or anything else that could It falls on you.
There is a common myth that people can protect themselves by standing in the doorway.
“The problem with the entrance is when you feel strong tremors, you try to protect yourself from falling and flying objects,” Balman said. “Going into the hallway actually exposes you more to those.”
When the ground stops shaking, wait at least one minute before exiting due to the possibility of an aftershock or larger mainshock. Breathe the air for evidence of fire or other hazards. Get up from under the desk or table, but do so very carefully. The floor could be covered in broken glass and other sharp objects that have been thrown around the room.
To help prevent loose items from falling during an earthquake, Gatens suggests people purchase earthquake putty to attach display items to walls and shelves.
“Stuff falls, but the crazy thing is that it falls, and then it gets put in a martini shaker, and the whole thing gets shaken up and thrown around whatever building or ground it's on,” Gatens said. “It's crazy when it's over and you see where it all went.”
Gatins has practiced earthquake drills since she was a child. She now works as marketing director for Trefethen Family Vineyards, where they hold a monthly safety meeting.
The 2014 earthquake that struck Napa, California, severely damaged the historic Trefethen Winery, built in 1886 — and coincidentally, in the same year, a 7.3-magnitude earthquake destroyed much of Charleston, South Carolina, which remains the largest earthquake It hits the southeast.
Gatens offers sound advice for those who may one day experience an earthquake.
“The most important thing is to stay calm and move safely,” Gatens said. “You definitely don't want to run outside, especially if you're in an area with tall buildings. You want to stay inside and keep calm. And hold on.”
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