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Is The Abyss based on a true story?

Is The Abyss based on a true story?


Synopsis: Abyss is partly inspired by a true story based on an earthquake that struck Kiruna, Sweden. The Kiruna mine disaster in 2020 led to evacuations with no reported casualties, inspiring the events in the film The Abyss. After the 2020 earthquake, Kiruna accelerated its action due to mine risks, a process that has been ongoing since the early 2000s.

Netflix has added the Swedish film The Abyss to its streaming library, and after watching it, one can't help but wonder if the horrific story on screen was inspired by real events (and if it could have happened in real life). The 2023 disaster action film, directed by Richard Holm and written by Holm, Robin Sherlock-Hulme, and Nicola Sinclair, follows the residents of Kiruna, Sweden, who struggle to survive a catastrophic rock explosion that threatens to engulf the entire city. Kiruna is a real city, so its location isn't based on a fictional city, but the film's inspiration runs a little deeper.

The cast of The Abyss includes Tuva Novotny as Frigga, Kardo Razzari as Dabir, Felicia Maxime as Mika, Peter Franzén as Tage, Edvin Ryding as Simon, and more as citizens trying to avoid falling through the cracks. A series of seismic events affect Kiruna, and before Freja, the director of security at the Kiruna mine, can understand the damage he has caused, it is too late. A rock explosion in the mine creates holes, and Frigga must figure out how to evacuate the city and save as many people as possible. Although this story may seem unbelievable, there is some truth rooted in the film.

The Abyss was partly inspired by a true story in Sweden

Real-life natural disasters did not fully inspire The Abyss in that the writers took creative liberties when crafting their story, which was partly based on a true story in Kiruna, Sweden. According to The Cinemaholic, an earthquake caused by extraction activity at the local Kiruna mine struck the Swedish city on May 18, 2020. The seismic activity reportedly reached around a 4.8 reading on the Richter scale, making it one of the largest recorded earthquakes in the world. History of the North Country. However, Kiruna's proximity to the mine meant that its citizens were aware of the danger of rock explosions and potential earthquakes.

As a result, the tragedy inspired director and co-writer Richard Holm to direct The Abyss. Of course, most of the events featured in the 2023 natural disaster movie were based on fiction rather than reality, as if the 2020 rock explosion didn't lead to many Kiruna residents being swallowed whole by the earth. However, the earthquake served as the primary inspiration for the premise of The Abyss, even if the filmmakers deviated significantly from and dramatized the true story.

Explanation of the Kiruna mine disaster

During the early morning of May 18, 2020, an earthquake measuring approximately 4.1 to 4.8 on the Richter scale (depending on the source) struck the Kiruna Mine in Kiruna, Sweden. The initial seismic activity occurred at the bottom of the mine, on one side of the non-vertical fault. According to LKAB, the 13 underground workers immediately began evacuating the mine, and fortunately, no one was injured. In the days following the quake, officials began inspecting the mine, trying to figure out what had gone wrong, while all work at the mine temporarily stopped.

The inspectors indicated that the earthquake led to rock explosions, and thus they discovered the source of the natural disaster. They later concluded possible triggers for the seismic activity were shaft failure between vertical shafts in the mine, complex geology, stark elevation differences between different areas of the mine, and longitudinal caverns below level. LKAB, the company responsible for mining activity in the city, delves into why the 2020 Kiruna earthquake occurred in its article. However, the event led to quick action by city officials and the production of the Netflix thriller The Abyss.

10 Major Disaster Movies That Bombed at the Box Office Disaster movies that didn't do well at the box office are still worth a watch for fans of the genre. What happened to Kiruna after the earthquake?

Following the devastating earthquake in May 2020, Kiruna officials began accelerating the relocation of the Swedish city. Given the dangers of living in Kiruna (due to its proximity to a troubled mine), the process of relocating the town's population began in the early 2000s. The mine's expansion has increased the risks of living in Kiruna, which means it's time to move. They decided that Kiruna's citizens (and its businesses and homes) would move three kilometers east.

The Abyss premiered on February 16, 2024 on Netflix.

Of course, moving an entire city is a long and arduous process. Therefore, by the time of the 2020 earthquake, the reconstruction project had not been fully implemented. It will be many more years until Kiruna, Sweden, is completely relocated. But those who live there still don't have to be afraid that what happened in The Abyss will happen in real life, as most of the events in the film were exaggerated and dramatic.

Source: The Cinemaholic, LKAB




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