Win the board with Earthquake

One of the big differences between today's good marketers and aspiring marketing champions, who have the unerring ability to move not only their business but the industry forward, is their ability to tell a story.
Many marketers in organizations from Aberdeen to Arundel struggle to tell an entertaining story, even when they stumble at it. This is not their fault. In the past, before marketing became a profession, people entered it from sales or creative industries. They have spent years talking about and even rubbing shoulders with indigenous storytellers. You know, crazy people. Those who create brands with their imagination are in the sacred “creative department”.
But as marketing has become professionalised, the downside of having brilliantly trained marketers – who can be disinterested in branding rather than preferring to focus on product, price, promotion and distribution – is that they sometimes struggle to entertain.
It's not always easy but there are ways to win over a board, many never learn how to spin strings, keep an audience in the palm of their hand, and sell a great vision to transform their brand. This does not mean that they lack vision or ambition. They don't have the storytelling skills needed to win at board level and thus have the freedom to grow their brand and turn around their organization's fortunes.
There are exceptions, sure, but let's be honest, we're not inundated with hundreds of amazing campaigns and growth stories. We live in a stable economy where brands struggle to achieve extraordinary growth, and what seems like increasingly low levels of commercial ambition from companies.
My belief is that great marketers are limited by their inability to win with the board, and they cannot achieve their true potential, because they cannot tell a compelling story.
Attention is the problem, creativity is the solution – as always. Solution: We need to start with some earthquakes
Sam Goldwyn, the film's producer, knew a thing or two about the ability to attract and retain attention through storytelling. There's an apocryphal quote attributed to him about what it takes to make a great movie: “We want a story that starts with an earthquake and works its way up to the climax.” What a great starting point.
You don't need to be a charismatic storyteller to do this well, but you do need to be able to tell a story that people want to listen to. Here are some tricks that helped me win the day and get the space needed to grow my brand.
You have to go for the magic of emotion
A great session begins with the painting before entering the room. It starts with a blank sheet of paper with a square drawn in the middle. This box is where the magic happens. Write in it how you want the board to feel about your proposal. How excited, reassured, and interested do you want them to be?
That's right, how do you want them to feel at the end of your presentation? What feelings do you want to evoke? What personal connection do you want to make?
This starting point is based on the fact that logic and process are rarely inspiring.
Success lies in bringing some excitement and excitement into the room. You want a heartbeat, a rush of blood, and some fucking excitement. You want the CEO to say: “This was one of the most interesting meetings I've ever had.” Why? Because people like interesting things. They buy things they connect with. How can you make your brand or marketing strategy interesting? Try to put some passion into it, or even a sense of mischief and fun if you can.
Don't try to get people to agree, this rarely works
When we focus on the audience, their needs and expectations. When we perform mental judo, we do not appeal to their minds, but to their hearts. When we take a rational suggestion and use their desires to put fire in their bellies, then we can win. Appealing to their irrationality can cut a clear path to success.
So, once you fill that magic box, it's a matter of deciding what chapters of the story you'll weave for them. Creativity is the last legal unfair advantage for marketers – and I don't mean advertising
Add some tension and drama to enrich the discussion
One thing I learned from McKinsey years ago is that it's really helpful to define your core assumptions up front. These form the basis of your approach and recommendations. They become the anchor points of your story.
But more than that, these assumptions allow you to see where your key stakeholders disagree with you. When dealt with proactively, conflict can be a powerful tool and catalyst for change in board discussion. At this level, it is important to make a balanced recommendation, to demonstrate that you have listened to alternative viewpoints in defining your strategy.
Never be afraid of dissenting voices. It takes courage for people to speak up. But it takes more courage to confront it directly and then dismiss the arguments. It shows great confidence, and in return will inspire the board's confidence in you.
Put yourself in the spotlight
There's never enough time to go through a slide deck with the pad. So, don't bother. You will have been sent a detailed advance reading. Most directors will have read it. This is their job. So do not try the impossible. Do the opposite and speak to only one segment, then open the door to questions. Use that slide as an anchor point for your story. This is very purposeful. It focuses attention on you, gives you the stage.
Board language: What to say and what to avoid
In my last board meeting, I spent 10 minutes talking through one slide containing marketing strategy objectives. By talking about these things, I could weave a story of what we wanted to achieve by building greater brand equity, and how we could create clarity for our customers, drive business effectiveness, support future growth, manage reputational risk, and optimize investments. The next 20 minutes of Q&A were entirely on my terms. It was amazing. It was liberating. He was an instant success.
You don't need to be a master of rhetoric. But what helps is to play the role of your executive and non-executive audiences and tell a story that can excite them. This is something aspiring marketing champions can, and should, do to reach their true potential. After all, this is what they are trained to do day in and day out with their clients. We just need to use the same approach with the board, and then we'll really be able to start with an earthquake and go to the market with a bang. Now that would be fun.
Sources 2/ https://www.marketingweek.com/board-earthquake-climax/ The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online
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