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8 things Netflix's The Abyss left out about the real Kiruna mine disaster

8 things Netflix's The Abyss left out about the real Kiruna mine disaster
8 things Netflix's The Abyss left out about the real Kiruna mine disaster


Summary The Abyss exaggerated the tragedy of the Kiruna mine disaster as there were no casualties in the real event of 2020. The relocation of the town of Kiruna was not a recent decision. Instead, the process began in 2004, long before the 2020 earthquake. In the wake of the real Kiruna disaster, repairs were completed in 2022 and production was reduced to prevent future disasters.

The 2023 Netflix film The Abyss is based on the real-life 2020 Kiruna mine disaster, but the film missed several factors of the actual event. The Swedish disaster film continues the genre by showing scene after scene of brutal deaths linked to a devastating act of God, and the fact that it's based on actual events makes it even more chilling. However, when looking at the actual Kiruna mine and the earthquake that made headlines in 2020, it's clear that the film took creative liberties while leaving out many key details.

Netflix's The Abyss follows the Kiruna mine's head of security, Freja, and her family after an earthquake strikes part of the mine. After further investigation, Frigga realizes that the nearby city of Kiruna is in danger of being swallowed by the Earth thanks to subsidence caused by a combination of excessive mining and earthquakes. However, with one of their family members missing, the characters of The Abyss are unable to evacuate and are thrown into chaos as parts of the city crumble beneath their feet. It's certainly an exciting story, but there are a lot of details about the real Kiruna mine disaster that have been overlooked.

8 There Were No Injuries In The Real 2020 Kiruna Mine Disaster Netflix's The Abyss Changed The True Story To Include Several Deaths.

Although the earthquake itself did not cause any deaths in The Abyss, subsequent cave-ins and collapses claimed dozens of lives. The film saw entire streets and buildings swallowed up by the earth and countless citizens of Kiruna dying in the massive disaster. However, the real Kiruna mine disaster fortunately did not result in any casualties (via Euro News). When the quake, which measured 4.8 on the Richter scale, struck, 13 miners were working underground and all of them were successfully evacuated. As for the town itself, its residents are completely fine.

7 Kiruna has been in the process of relocation since 2004. The film Abyss implied that Kiruna's relocation was a recent decision.

The Abyss revealed that Kiruna City was in the process of being moved to a new location thanks to the collapsed Earth. However, what is not mentioned is that this process began nearly 20 years ago before the 2020 earthquake. Subsidence, or the gradual sinking of an area of ​​land, is common near mines and can cause significant damage to buildings and roads. . This is certainly a long-term safety issue, but it wasn't an immediate concern, as Netflix's The Abyss implied.

Is The Abyss based on a true story? The 2023 action thriller The Abyss tells of a rift that attempts to swallow up the entire town of Kiruna, Sweden – is it based on true events? 6 Kiruna's city center was successfully relocated in 2022, and the opening of The Abyss implied that the entire city had been relocated after the earthquake.

The opening of The Abyss explained that the city of Kiruna was moved to a new location after the 2020 earthquake. Given the subsequent disaster seen at the end of the film, it is implied that the entirety of Old Kiruna was moved as it was definitely not livable after that. In fact, so far only the city center has reached the new location, most of which is completely new construction. Therefore, most of Kiruna's residents still lived in the original city until the creation of the Abyss.

5 There were still no large caves in the city of Kiruna The real city of Kiruna is sinking, but there were no large caves as happened in the abyss.

The real Kiruna disaster was the earthquake that halted mining efforts in 2020, but the earthquake itself wasn't the problem in the Netflix disaster movie. In fact, most of the deaths seen in the film were the result of caves and holes in the town of Kiruna. In fact, this did not happen at all. Although cracks have been observed in several buildings and roads, and one Kiruna school has been deemed unsafe, there is no imminent danger of sudden sinkholes swallowing up the town's residents. Of course, this wouldn't have made for a very interesting film, so this detail was left out of The Abyss.

The Abyss begins with a reference to the mining-related earthquake in Edkerberget, Sweden, in 1961, which saw a huge crater suddenly open in the ground. The Netflix film imagines what would have happened if something similar had happened after the 2020 Kiruna earthquake, not real-world events.

Earthquakes are common in Kiruna, but they are not as deadly as the cliff suggests.

Throughout The Abyss, Frigga mentions her father, who died in an earthquake-related mining accident years before the film begins. Apparently, this is why the protagonist takes up the position of head of security at the Kiruna mine – to ensure that something like this never happens again. This seems to mean that such disasters are common in Kiruna, but this is not the case. In fact, there are no recorded deaths associated with the earthquake in Kiruna, Sweden (via High North News).

3 It took two years to repair the earthquake damage to the Kiruna mine. The Abyss did not cover what happened in the years following the Kiruna mine disaster.

The Abyss ends right after disaster strikes, with the characters reeling from the deaths of their loved ones. So the movie omitted what happened to the mine after the fact. Because there were no casualties in the real Kiruna mine disaster, LKAB, the company that owns the mine, could begin repairs soon after the earthquake. However, it was a slow and steady process. According to High North News, the company completed restoration operations in 2022. However, at that point, production was still low compared to what it was before the earthquake as LKAB hopes to avoid future disasters.

2 The Kirona disaster affected the Sami people in northern Sweden. The most important movie, The Abyss, from Netflix did not ignore the impact of mines on the Sami people.

The changing landscape and fragmentation of the land are disrupting the ancient activity of reindeer movement, which could mean real disaster for the Sami people.

The Abyss focused on the fictional impact that the mine earthquake had on the city of Kiruna, but the people most affected by the event were the indigenous people of northern Sweden. The Sami, who have relied on reindeer herding for centuries, have been severely affected by subsidence caused by the Kiruna mine, as well as earthquakes and the decision to move the city center (via The Guardian). The changing landscape and fragmentation of the land are disrupting the ancient activity of reindeer movement, which could mean real disaster for the Sami people.

1 The 2020 earthquake at the Kiruna mine hastened the city's movement (but it will take years) Kiruna will not be fully moved to its new location until 2034.

The opening sequence of The Abyss suggests that the city of Kiruna was moved due to the 2020 earthquake, which, as previously mentioned, is not true as the decision to move was made in the early 2000s. However, it is true that the earthquake inspired the city to accelerate its plans. This led to the relocation of the city center in 2022, but there is still a long way to go before the relocation is complete. The current plan is to move Kiruna by 2034, proving there is no immediate danger to remaining in the city – a detail that Netflix's The Abyss completely ignored.

Sources: Euro News, High North News, The Guardian




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