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Corona virus: PM smoke delayed in the UK


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Media Caption Boris Johnson: “Our rating is that we have to press the brake pedal now.”

The easing of corona virus restrictions in the UK this weekend has been postponed for at least two weeks due to concerns over increased corona virus cases.

The casino and bowling alleys will be closed, Boris Johnson said, “when you press the brake pedal.”

Up to 30 wedding receptions were allowed as part of the change, but it still can’t happen.

In indoor environments such as cinema, a face cover is a must.

Also, those who attend the place of worship will be among those who need to wear face covers that will be applied from next weekend.

However, plans to change plans for people who are being protected during the pandemic and advice for employers will still go on.

The review follows new restrictions on people in northern England after a surge in viral cases.

At a press conference in Downing Street, the Prime Minister warned that progress against coronaviruses continues every day, with fewer deaths per week, but some European countries are “struggling” to control it. He said Britain should be ready to “react”.

Prime Minister Johnson added the following, highlighting the latest figures from the National Statistics for National Statistics: “The prevalence of the virus in the UK community is likely to increase for the first time since May.”

He again emphasized that the resumption of society is “conditional” to “continuous progress on the virus” and “will not hesitate to brake if necessary.”

The prime minister said the virus “has risen in numbers,” and the government has “stepped on the brake pedal to control the virus.”

He advised people to “follow the rules, wash their hands, cover their faces, keep the distance, and be tested if they have symptoms.” “Hands, face, space, test”.

Also at a press conference on Friday, Professor Chris Whitty, chief medical officer in the UK, warned that it would not be easier to unlock it.

When asked when it was safe for schools in England to be fully open to all students in the fall, he said “difficult balancing”, but “we probably have reached or are almost done with the limits of what we can do in terms of social openness.” Said. .

“The idea that we can open everything and control the virus” is wrong, but it is clear that “school is an absolute priority for society”.

The UK case has been increasing for the first time since May.

According to data from the Office for National Statistics, about 4,200 new infections per day are compared to 2,800 a week ago.

This is not returning to the height of the epidemic in March, it says.

All the restrictions we loosen increase the ability of the corona virus to spread, and government science advisers have always warned that there are not many shakes that can be lifted and still suppressed.

The increase in infection is a warning that the unlocking limit may have already been exceeded.

That’s why Boris Johnson has delayed some of the planned lifts in the UK and facial masks will be a more frequent sight.

The big problem remains around the school. Can schools be opened even if the current rules lead to increased cases? Should I close anything else when I open school?

It is worth noting that this is happening in July, and scientists believe that the virus will spread much more easily in winter.

You can read more at James.

Johnson said resumption of August 1 will be delayed by at least two weeks.

This means that places like casinos, bowling alleys, skating rinks and other close contact services should be closed by August 15th.

Indoor performances are also not resumed, demonstrations of large gatherings are not held at sports venues and conference centers, and planned extensions of wedding receptions that can accommodate up to 30 people are not allowed.

The crowd watched the first two days of two county cricket matches, and the fans that started on Friday were at the World Snooker Championship. The tournament will now be held without spectators until the final viewing starts by August 15th.

Image copyright AFP image caption fans will no longer be able to attend pilot sporting events scheduled for this weekend in the UK.

Beauty salons are also not allowed to start offering facial-related treatments such as eyelashes, eyebrows, and threading treatments.

The British Beauty Council said the change was “very disappointing about the areas already delayed after the delay in re-opening.”

Separately, from next weekend, face covers are mandatory in indoor environments where people are likely to come in contact with people they don’t know, such as museums or places of worship. It is already required for shops, banks, airports and other indoor transportation hubs.

The Prime Minister said from August 8th that the face-covering law will be enforced by law.

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Chris Whitty on unlocking media captions: “Maybe we’ve reached the limit of what we can do.”

However, according to the prime minister, plans to suspend the shield for those most vulnerable to the effects of this virus will go on as planned from Saturday.

This means that about 2.2 million people who are self-contained in the UK during the pandemic can return to work if they cannot work at home as long as the job is Covid-secure.

Governor Johnson said the plan will also change guidelines for employers from early August.

According to ONS, “Evidence has been found that the number of British people who have tested positive for nose and throat swabs has increased slightly in recent weeks.”

Samples of households in the UK, except for nursing homes and hospitals, were tested with swabs for current infection.

ONS said its daily case has increased from 2,800 to 4,200 since last week.

However, there is not enough data to suggest a higher percentage of positive tests in a particular region.

The latest announcement prohibits new lockout rules in a few hours in some parts of the UK, meeting different families in homes and private gardens.

The rules enforced at midnight affect people in Greater Manchester, East Lancashire, parts of West Yorkshire, and Leicester.

They also prohibit two different furniture members from mixing in pubs and restaurants, although individual furniture can still visit such hospitality venues.

Health Minister Matt Hancock said the increase in transmission in areas affected by the BBC Breakfast was caused by people visiting friends and relatives citing fresh data from contact tracking.

Nearly four weeks after the Muslim community prepared to celebrate Eid this week and restrictions were eased across the UK, people were able to meet indoors for the first time since the end of March.

Talking about the latest restrictions in some parts of northern England, labor leader Sir Keir Starmer said the government made “correct decisions” but criticized “very poor” communication.

“We’ll see more of this in the coming weeks and months,” he urged ten times to “improve” communication.

Ministers said they would give police and councils the power to enforce new rules.

In other major developments:

According to the latest figures, more than 120 people have died from the virus in the UK, and 880 new cases have been recorded. The Scottish government has warned police and council police to patrol not to visit areas of the UK that are affected by the new regional lockout rules. The waterfront of Bournemouth and Poole thousands of people descend from the city’s beaches. Local councils, including Brighton, Hove, and Tannet, warn day trippers that they are far away due to many. Scotland is developing its own Corona Virus Contact Tracking app and expects it to be available in the fall in Wales. People can meet outdoors, and children under the age of 11 don’t have a social distance from Monday. Facilities such as swimming pools, gymnasiums, and indoor play areas may resume from August 10th. Tory MP Craig Whittaker claimed that some Muslims in West Yorkshire were “not taking the pandemic seriously.”

100,000 cases

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