Morocco: 6 months after the earthquake, Doctors of the World – Morocco remain
![Morocco: 6 months after the earthquake, Doctors of the World – Morocco remain Morocco: 6 months after the earthquake, Doctors of the World – Morocco remain](https://reliefweb.int/modules/custom/reliefweb_meta/images/disaster-type/EQ.png)
More than 6 months ago, on September 9, a massive earthquake struck the city of Marrakesh and several villages in the surrounding mountainous region. The earthquake was one of the strongest ever measured in Morocco. It claimed the lives of nearly 3,000 people and left more than 5,600 injured. Doctors of the World's emergency response continues today.
From the first moments following the disaster, Médecins du Monde responded by organizing an assessment mission, identifying actions and resources needed to help those affected. The local team was immediately reinforced with three people: an emergency coordinator, a mental health and psychosocial support coordinator, and a logistics coordinator.
This assessment mission quickly turned into an emergency psychosocial intervention and psychological first aid was provided to affected people in the villages. Collaboration took place with a local partner: CARE Morocco.
Care Morocco focused on covering basic needs such as distributing food and hygiene supplies, while Doctors of the World focused on psychological and social support. This support was provided by two mobile teams consisting of 6 Moroccan psychiatrists. From the beginning, medical care was the responsibility of the government.
Mental health and psychosocial support activities took the form of individual psychological consultations and group activities, including discussion groups, group psychological first aid interventions and thematic workshops. A total of 4,799 people benefited from these services, including 523 in individual consultations and 4,276 in group care.
At the same time, training was provided to local partner organizations, particularly in the area of mental health and psychosocial support in emergency situations.
Doctors of the World's emergency response continues today
Today, Médecins du Monde teams are still strengthening in the field: an intervention team of 12 national psychologists working alongside colleagues responsible for coordination, logistics and health and mental health references (in emergency situations). A team of 18 people in total.
In the first phase of the intervention, it was necessary to respond to the basic needs of the population affected by the earthquake. However, during the second phase, in 2024, the measure aims to restore access to basic services for people in areas affected by the earthquake.
The earthquake highlighted pre-existing inequalities in the intervention area: marginalized people who had been able to meet their basic needs before the disaster found themselves doubly affected by the earthquake and by intersecting factors of exclusion. Sick people, people with limited mobility, single-parent households headed by women but also sex workers, survivors of gender-based violence, people in migration situations and other marginalized populations are particularly vulnerable due to their pre-existing vulnerability.
Médecins du Monde Belgium has been present in Morocco since 2013 in the Oujda and Rabat region, helping migrants by providing them with access to healthcare from which they are usually excluded. Specific projects target women and children in migration situations who are on Moroccan territory, providing them with shelter and care. As we continue our earthquake relief work in Morocco, we will ensure that vulnerable and marginalized communities receive assistance and ensure that they are not left behind.
Local partners in this project CARE (France and Morocco)
ALCS (branches in Marrakesh and Taroudant) MS2 SMPC (National Association of Clinical Psychologists) Maghreb psychologists as well as administrative and health authorities
International partners in this project Happiness Crisis Series and Support Center of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs (CDCS), Ministry of International Relations and Francophonie of the Government of Quebec (MRIF) and Wallonia-Brussels International (WBI)
Sources 2/ https://reliefweb.int/report/morocco/morocco-6-months-after-earthquake-doctors-world-remains The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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