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Japan prepares for a major earthquake amid moderate tremors ahead of the 2011 Tohoku earthquake and the anniversary of the Fukushima disaster.

Japan prepares for a major earthquake amid moderate tremors ahead of the 2011 Tohoku earthquake and the anniversary of the Fukushima disaster.


“This area off Chiba Prefecture has seen this kind of slow activity several times over the past few decades, with a series of small and medium-sized earthquakes that come and go over time,” said Yoshiaki Hisada, a professor specializing in geosciences. Study of earthquakes at Kogakuen University, Japan.

“People sometimes think that these slow-sliding earthquakes are safer because they release smaller amounts of energy more often, but that's not true and the energy that is released is much less than if there was a large earthquake,” he told This Week in Asia. .

Tsunami and earthquake damage is seen from a helicopter overhead in Sendai, Japan, March 12, 2011. Photo: US Navy An earthquake occurs when stresses are exerted on a fault line, or when tectonic plates meet, pile up, and rupture. This often results in a powerful shock as the plates slide past each other rapidly, although a slow-slip event will see smaller tremors repeated over a long period. However, experts warn that this does not necessarily mean that the pressure on the plates has completely decreased, and that a more catastrophic earthquake is still possible.

While the subterranean activity occurring off Chiba involves different tectonic plates than the faults that shifted dramatically on March 11, 2011 — causing a 9-magnitude earthquake that immediately triggered a tsunami nearly 40 meters high — Hisada warns of more danger.

“Yes, it's a different fault, but this line is closer to the coast of Chiba Prefecture,” he noted. “The tsunami may not be as large as the one that hit Tohoku, but it will hit the coast much faster and with less warning.”


The death toll from the earthquake that struck Japan on New Year's Day has risen to more than 60 people as the search for survivors continues

The death toll from the earthquake that struck Japan on New Year's Day has risen to more than 60 people as the search for survivors continues

John Harris, a Canadian speechwriter, lives about three kilometers from the waterfront in the town of Onjoko, and said people were used to having their lives disrupted by the frequent tremors.

“We had the big earthquake in 2011 here but were lucky to escape the tsunami,” Harris said. “The damage from this tsunami began about 70 kilometers north of Onjuku and destroyed towns and villages hundreds of kilometers to the north.

“Unfortunately, after 13 years, it does not appear that this municipality has done much to prepare for another disaster, and there are serious bottlenecks on the roads leading away from the port in the event of a tsunami,” he said. “This is a serious concern.”

Some of Harris' neighbors have taken more precautions in recent days, stocking up on supplies and buying generators, but he says there is no sense of panic.

“Everyone in Japan is very used to earthquakes, so they are taking all of this in stride,” he said. “Earthquakes have woken me up, but what can you do about it?”

Japan 'needs to learn' from slow earthquake response after 30 victims froze to death

Hisada of Kogakuin University said the Japanese people were shocked by the images that emerged following the January 1 earthquake on the Noto Peninsula in northern Japan. The 7.5-magnitude quake – after a series of smaller quakes in previous weeks – was the largest and most destructive in Japan since March 2011, triggering a tsunami measuring 6.5 meters high and killing 250 people.

“I think people saw what happened there and have been making preparations ever since,” Hisada said. “The most important thing is to have a modern and strong house because we saw that many old wooden buildings in Noto collapsed.

“Apparently anyone who was trapped in a collapsed building and could not get out then could not escape the tsunami or would later freeze to death.”




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