Thirteen years after the Fukushima nuclear disaster, Japan remembers the dead and pledges to continue rebuilding
TOKYO (AP) — Japan marked the 13th anniversary of the devastating earthquake and tsunami that caused a nuclear meltdown and left large parts of Fukushima Prefecture uninhabitable Monday with a moment of silence and memorial events, as officials pledged continued support for rebuilding.
The 9.0 magnitude earthquake and tsunami that struck parts of the northeastern coast of Japan on March 11, 2011 killed about 20,000 people and displaced thousands from their homes in Miyagi, Iwate, and Fukushima prefectures.
At 2:46 p.m. — the time the earthquake struck — people across Japan stopped for a moment of silence. In the Ginza shopping district in central Tokyo, people stopped to pray on the sidewalk when the bell rang to mark the moment.
In the town of Minamisanriku in Miyagi Prefecture, a team of 10 uniformed police officers sifted through pebbles and sand on a beach in an annual search for the remains of people still missing. Survivors prayed on the bare beams that were being used as a disaster prevention center in the town, where dozens died. In the town of Natori, about 400 people prayed and released balloons carrying messages of grief.
In Ishinomaki City, Iwate Prefecture, residents gathered in a hilltop park where many of them took refuge 13 years ago, standing in mourning facing the sea. In Rikuzentakata, about 100 people prayed atop a massive concrete sea wall.
At a ceremony in Fukushima Prefecture, where about 20,000 people are still unable to return to their homes due to radiation, Prefecture Governor Masao Oshibori pledged that the rebuilding process would continue as decades-long work to clean up the nuclear site continues.
He added: “We will not give up.” “I pledge to the victims of the earthquake and tsunami that we will achieve recovery no matter the cost.”
A wall of water more than 15 meters (50 ft) high crashed into the coastal Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, destroying its power supply and cooling systems, causing three of its six reactors to melt down, and scattering radiation across the surrounding areas.
The disaster initially forced more than 160,000 people to leave their homes. Work to remove the highly radioactive molten fuel debris at the station has not yet begun, and the comprehensive decommissioning project is expected to continue for decades.
At the ceremony in Fukushima, Prime Minister Fumio Kishida renewed his pledge that the government will help secure jobs, livelihoods and the safe decommissioning of the plant so former residents can return home.
“We will continue to do our best for full recovery and renaissance, as well as the recovery of the northeast region,” he said.
Most of the deaths from the tsunami and earthquake occurred in Miyagi and Iwate prefectures north of Fukushima, but they were able to recover faster because they were not exposed to nuclear waste. Reconstruction of roads, seawalls and other infrastructure in Iwate and Miyagi Prefectures has largely been completed, but many former residents have not returned due to the loss of their communities.
Memorial events this year also commemorated the victims of the devastating earthquake that struck the Noto region in north-central Japan on January 1, sparking renewed calls to review evacuation plans across the country, including areas around nuclear plants.
Kishida later told reporters that the government would work to ensure the damaged Fukushima Daiichi plant was taken out of service safely and transparently, citing recent incidents including a leak of contaminated water inside the plant complex.
In a move that the government and TEPCO say was necessary to decommission, the plant began releasing radioactive treated wastewater into the sea last August. The controversial discharges have faced protests from local fishermen and neighboring countries – especially China, which has banned imports of Japanese seafood.
No national memorial ceremonies have been held in Tokyo since the 10th anniversary, and municipalities in areas affected by the disaster now host local ceremonies every year.
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