Grand Designs earthquake villa sold for $3.6 million
![Grand Designs earthquake villa sold for .6 million Grand Designs earthquake villa sold for .6 million](https://www.odt.co.nz/sites/default/files/styles/odt_story_opengraph_1200w/public/story/2024/03/790059372d8b1d52c51b2ba8c17a281b222.jpg?itok=TWBGEpqD)
An architecture star on TV show Grand Designs New Zealand has been purchased for $3.6 million, about $800,000 more than an RV.
The Queen Anne-style villa, located on Bluff Lane, in Gibbston, Queenstown Lakes, was one of the homes featured in the 2017 season of the show.
Previous owners Jamie and Melissa McMurtry rescued the house from the rubble of the Christchurch earthquakes and moved it more than 400 kilometers to its current location.
They spent a year reassembling the house and bringing it back up to scratch, and sold it in 2018 for $2.141 million.
The five-bedroom property, known as Turret House, was listed for sale in November last year with New Zealand Sotheby's International Realty agent, Ben Terry. It was sold three months later for $3.6 million.
The 400-square-metre home sits on a hectare in the Gibbston Valley and has a 2021 RV listed at $2.82 million.
Terry's listing for the home highlighted its beautifully restored features. “The home retains a significant amount of original details including beautiful Carrara ceilings, wood paneling, fireplace, mosaic tile, original hardwood floors and grand staircase,” the listing ad on OneRoof said.
“With impressive height throughout, the four double bedrooms have a real sense of space and light including the master bedroom with its own en-suite bathroom, walk-in wardrobe and custom turret. The property enjoys two further period style bathrooms.
Terry said the sellers did not know the villa was in Grand Designs when they bought it in 2018. “They were just in town and wanted a holiday home here. They saw the house and fell in love with it and two months later they were living in Gibbston Valley.
The couple converted a one-bedroom cottage next to the main residence into a vacation retreat.
“It's amazing. The cottage is a triumph. You're sitting on this deck overlooking Nevis Bluff. It's one of the special places in the world,” Terry said in November, noting that despite the untouched surroundings, However, the accommodation was only 15 minutes from the airport.
He told OneRoof that the home has attracted interest from international buyers.
The McMurtries gave up the house in 2018 after giving birth to their second child. As detailed in an episode of Grand Design New Zealand, they faced significant challenges to realize their real estate dreams, including moving the house into pieces via some narrow, winding roads.
They also struggled to get council approval for the height of the roof and tower, with the couple having to lower them to get approval.
This property was Grand Designs' third home to be put up for sale in 2023.
Bella Castillo, a seven-bedroom, seven-bathroom mansion, appeared at Grand Designs NZ last year and was put up for sale several times before being withdrawn.
Another home that came up in 2022 is also struggling to sell. London builder Tony Hodge's cedar-and-steel house covered in seven containers was scheduled to go up for auction earlier this month, but the sale was canceled at the last minute.
The two-bedroom Waiheke Island property, which is nestled in bushland, was put on the market in August but the auction was postponed several times before it was abandoned altogether.
-One roof
Sources 2/ https://www.odt.co.nz/regions/queenstown/grand-designs-earthquake-villa-sells-36m The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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