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The Chinese hero boy, now 25, reunites with basketball legend Yao Ming 16 years after saving his schoolmates from the devastation of a deadly 2008 earthquake.

The Chinese hero boy, now 25, reunites with basketball legend Yao Ming 16 years after saving his schoolmates from the devastation of a deadly 2008 earthquake.


The reunion between Chinese basketball legend Yao Ming and a nine-year-old boy, who was hailed as a national hero for his actions in the 2008 Sichuan earthquake, has moved many people on social media in mainland China.

The world looked on in awe when, at the Beijing Olympics the same year, the 2.29-metre-tall Yao held the hand of a nine-year-old boy while leading the 1,099-strong Chinese team in the opening parade. .

That boy was Lin Hao, who was hailed as a national hero for saving two of his classmates after the devastating 8.0-magnitude earthquake struck Wenchuan County in southwest China's Sichuan Province on May 12, 2008.

Lin was a primary school student in Yingxiu Township, the epicenter of the quake.

When the earthquake struck, he risked his life to save his colleagues in collapsed buildings.

Back together: Basketball legend Yao Ming looks up to a very happy Lin Hao, who admires their meeting. Image: Baidu

In an interview after the opening of the Olympics, Yao, holding Lin in his arms, said the young man was “the hope for China's future.” He expected Lin to remember his great moment and tell his grandson about it.

Earlier this month, 16 years after that great day, the pair met again.

On March 5, at the CBA All-Star Weekend held in Xiamen, in southeastern China's Fujian province, Yao Ming, the 43-year-old president of the Chinese Basketball Association, took to the stage with Lin.

Lin, now 25, is a part-time deputy secretary of the Communist Youth League in Yingxiu, his hometown, and the founder of an e-commerce startup that helps local farmers promote and sell their products.

He also works as a volunteer tour guide in his spare time, telling stories of earthquakes and reconstruction to tourists.

In January, Lin also announced that he would marry a Tibetan woman.

Lin said that he did not expect Yao to remember him, but the moment Yao saw him, he congratulated him on his marriage.

Yao also joked to Lin on stage: “I've gotten taller since then, and I've gotten fat.”

For Lin, although he had not met Yao for 16 years, the reunion was like a regular meeting with an old friend. He said Yao patted him on the head after the accident and asked him to “add oil.”

More than a decade and a half ago, Lin Hao, now 25, was considered a national hero for the courageous role he played in saving his classmates from the devastation of the 2008 Sichuan earthquake. Photo: Suzhou

Yao retired from professional basketball at the age of 30 in 2011 after a series of injuries.

The former NBA star's transformation into a Chinese basketball leader and businessman over the past decade is considered a success by many.

As president of the Chinese Basketball Association from 2017 to 2023, Yao dedicated himself to bringing more market powers to the state-owned National Basketball League.

He also strengthened educational plans for youth to cultivate more Chinese basketball talents.

Many online observers described Yao and Lin's meeting as a “climax meeting.”

“Lin Hao has also become a good young man now, just like Yao back then,” one of the people in Douyin said.

Another said: “It was as if nothing had changed over the past 16 years when they stood together again.”




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