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USGS records a 2.6 magnitude earthquake near Edmond

USGS records a 2.6 magnitude earthquake near Edmond
USGS records a 2.6 magnitude earthquake near Edmond


USGS: A 2.6 magnitude earthquake was recorded late Monday near Edmond

Several KOCO 5 viewers and news team members felt a small earthquake around 11:40 p.m. Monday

Updated: 10:24 AM CST March 19, 2024

Good, did you feel it? You may have heard that. A 5.1 magnitude earthquake near Prague shook Oklahoma late Friday night. The fifth largest earthquake ever recorded is here in Oklahoma. Meteorologist Sabrina Bates. We've been talking about this. I spoke with the state seismologist about this earthquake today, and he is very knowledgeable about this topic. Now, Friday's earthquake occurred in roughly the same location where a 5.7 magnitude earthquake occurred in 2011. They've been monitoring earthquakes on this fault since 2011. There have been months without any activity, but there have generally been earthquakes. It still happens. Last year there were a number of earthquakes of magnitude 3.0 or greater near that area. The original 2011 earthquake was attributed to sewage disposal. While the state seismologist told me that's still part of the story. This time, there is still more to look for because it also lies along the Washita Fault. So the question that still remains is: Is this related to the sewage disposal that occurred last week? Is it related to a wastewater disposal that occurred several years ago? And I activated the bug, and as you know, the bugs never slowed down. We don't necessarily know. We are still investigating. Now, Dr. Jake Walter tells me that as of now, they're not really sure if the recent quakes and level of activity are more than just a coincidence that they happened within a few weeks of each other. Now, the Oklahoma Geological Survey is still actively looking into Friday's quake, investigating the cause of the activity. That's why they are also planning to add more seismic stations near where it is located

USGS: A 2.6 magnitude earthquake was recorded late Monday near Edmond

Several KOCO 5 viewers and news team members felt a small earthquake around 11:40 p.m. Monday

Updated: 10:24 AM CST March 19, 2024

Another earthquake was felt late Monday night in Edmond, continuing a recent rise in earthquakes felt in the Oklahoma City metro. | Related video above | What caused the recent earthquakes in Oklahoma? Several KOCO 5 viewers and news team members said they felt a small earthquake around 11:40 p.m. Monday. The USGS did not issue a report on it until about 9:35 a.m. Tuesday. According to the report, a 2.6 magnitude earthquake was reported about 4.2 miles east-northeast of Edmond. The quake could be felt throughout the OKC metro. In January and February, Oklahoma was rocked by large earthquakes that struck late at night. The US Geological Survey recorded a series of earthquakes in the Arcadia region in mid-January, with the two largest earthquakes measuring 4.2 and 4.4. A few weeks later, a 5.1 magnitude earthquake was recorded near Prague. After both occasions, the Oklahoma Corporation Commission investigated the earthquake swarm and ordered the closure of wells at a wastewater injection site near Prague after the 5.1 magnitude earthquake. Bananas in the corner: Savannah baseball team goes viral for 'dirty dancing' routine CDC issues warning to foragers of morel mushrooms amid foraging season Teacher remembers 15-year-old Kingfisher student killed in single-car crash. Kingfisher High School grieves 15-year-old senior student killed in single-car crash 'really bad': Ex-wife of Maine mass shooter reveals warnings ignored, says it didn't have to happen

Edmond, Okla. —

Another earthquake was felt late Monday night in Edmond, continuing a recent rise in earthquakes felt in the Oklahoma City metro.

| Related video above | What is the cause of the recent earthquakes in Oklahoma?

Several KOCO 5 viewers and news team members said they felt a small earthquake around 11:40 p.m. Monday. The USGS did not issue a report on it until about 9:35 a.m. Tuesday.

According to the report, a 2.6 magnitude earthquake was reported about 4.2 miles east-northeast of Edmond. The quake could be felt throughout the OKC metro.

In January and February, Oklahoma was rocked by large earthquakes that struck late at night.

The US Geological Survey recorded a series of earthquakes in the Arcadia area in mid-January, with the two largest being magnitude 4.2 and magnitude 4.4. A few weeks later, a 5.1 magnitude earthquake was recorded near Prague.

After both occasions, the Oklahoma Corporation Commission investigated the cluster of earthquakes and ordered the closure of wells at a wastewater injection site near Prague after the 5.1 magnitude earthquake.

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