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What is the heir's mother planning?

What is the heir's mother planning?
What is the heir's mother planning?


Warning: This article contains spoilers for Episode 5 of Shōgun.

Summary Ueshiba no Kata, the heir's mother, returns to Osaka. Episode 5 of Shogun featured a major earthquake loosely based on the Keichō Earthquake of 1605. Mariko's revelation to Blackthorn about her life and desire to commit seppuku strains their relationship.

Episode 5 of Shōgun brought a new player to the game – the mother of the heir – and revealed more of Lady Mariko's past as her relationship with John Blackthorne became more complicated. The final episode surprised many, including Lady Mariko, the Shogun, that Toda Buntarou was not dead. The samurai returns to Lord Toranaga's side, only to discover that he will now have to live under the same roof as the Anjin. The tension between Blackthorn, Mariko, and Buntaro set the tone for Shogun Episode 5, which ended with Toranaga nearly dead after a massive earthquake.

While Ishido took no immediate action on Nabara Gosen's death, the leader of the Shogun's Council of Guardians met with Ueshiba no Kata, the heir's mother. Toranaga, who had to watch much of Anjiro destroyed by the earthquake, will now have to deal with another powerful figure as Mrs. Ueshiba is no longer interested in political intrigue and wants to protect her son from those who might try to rape his son. Title. Finally, Mariko and Blackthorn are no longer on good terms after the former revealed her life story to the latter.

The Return of Lady Ueshiba in the Shogun (and What It Means for the Guardians) Ueshiba no Kata Returns to Osaka

Ueshiba no Kata is the mother of the Taiko heir, and the only one of Nakamura Hidetoshi's female companions to have a child with the ruler. At the beginning of the shogunate, Ueshiba was held hostage at Toranaga Castle in Edo, increasing tension between the lord of Kanto and the council of rulers. In theory, regents should rule on behalf of Taiko's son until Yaichio turns 16. However, Ishido and the rest of the Guardian Council feared that Toranaga, who was growing stronger by the day, wanted to take over.

Episode 5 of Shōgun ends with Ochiba stating that the time for political games is over, indicating that she will now be more directly involved in decisions regarding her son's future.

Now, the Shogun reveals that the heir's mother is not only fully aware of the political games being played over her son's title but is also involved in the conflict. Ueshiba speaks directly to Ishido and seems to have enormous influence over him and the rest of the rulers, which makes sense given how the council protects the heir's interests. Ochiba-no-taka sees Toranaga as an enemy and chooses to join the rulers, but it seems that she is the one handing out the cards and not the other way around.

a personality

the actor

Real life inspiration

Yoshi Toranaga

Hiroyuki Sanada

Tokugawa Ieyasu

John Blackthorne

Cosmo Jarvis

William Adams

Toda Mariko

Anna Sawai

Hosokawa Grace

Kashiji Yabushiji

Tadanobu Asano

Honda Masanobu

Kashiji Omi

Hiroto Kanai

Honda Masazumi

Ishido Kazunari

Takehiro Hira

Ishida Mitsunari

Episode 5 of Shōgun ends with Ochiba stating that the time for political games is over, indicating that she will now be more directly involved in decisions regarding her son's future. The series so far has portrayed Ishido as the biggest threat to Lord Toranaga's plan, but that may not be the case. The alliance between the heir's mother and the Council of Guardians will not be beneficial to Toranaga, especially now that war between him and Ishido has become inevitable following Gozen's horrific death in Episode 4 of Shogun.

Shōgun Earthquake Episode 5 explained and the true story is that the Shogun Earthquake is based on the Keichō Earthquake

The Shōgun Episode 5 earthquake nearly killed Lord Toranaga and led to countless casualties in one of the show's most intense series yet. John Blackthorn and Lady Mariko had previously felt a smaller earthquake in Episode 4, which was the first earthquake Blackthorn had ever experienced. Lady Mariko stated that death in Japan can come from the air, land, or sea, noting that the country has always been vulnerable to earthquakes and tsunamis. Although it seemed like FX's Shogun was about to skip the portion of the novel that loosely adapted the Keichou Earthquake, Episode 5 covered that important event.

Related Imjin War Reference Explained for Shogun: What Happened Between Japan and Korea The Imjin War between Japan, Korea, and China is referenced several times in Shōgun, representing a time when the rivals in the series worked together.

Although the events of Shōgun take place in 1600, the earthquake that occurs in episode 5 is based on the Keichō earthquake that occurred in 1605. It had a magnitude of 7.9 and affected several areas, killing thousands not only because of the earthquake itself. But also to the tsunami that came after that. In James Clavell's novel, John Blackthorne rescues Yoshi Toranaga during an earthquake, which is why the master of Kanto made the enjin into Hatamoto. This is a bit different from what happened in FX's Shogun, where Blackthorn became Hatamoto before the earthquake.

What happened to the gardener in Shogun (did he really die?) Ojiro was used as a scapegoat

Augereau, the gardener assigned to John Blackthorne's house, was said to have been executed for the crime. The crime in question was removing a pheasant that Blackthorn had received from Lord Toranaga as a gift and hanging it on the wall from where it was because of the smell. This is because Blackthorne joked that whoever touched a pheasant “was dead,” which led to the gardener’s action being considered a capital offense. Usami Fuji explained the situation to Blackthorn, who was in shock and extremely angry at what his words had led to.

Related to what happened to Lady Mariko's family in Shogun Mariko reveals glimpses of her family's tragic backstory in Episodes 4 and 5 of Shogun, which could have major implications for her later in the season.

However, it is unclear whether the gardener is actually dead. Earlier in the episode, Toranaga warned his spy Moragi to be more careful now that Yabushige was looking for the spy. Although Muragi wanted to turn himself in, Toranaga said he wouldn't have it and suggested finding “another spy” for Yabushige to discover. At the end of Shogun Episode 5, Moragi claims that the gardener who was already killed at that point is the spy. Since Uejirou's body never showed up, he may have been moved to a different location and used to cover up the real Toranaga spy.

Explaining Muragi's real name (and how Toranaga protected his spy) Muragi is a samurai who serves Lord Toranaga

Muragi was revealed to be Toranaga's spy in the area controlled by Yabushiji in the first episode, but the show has now provided more information about their relationship. Muragi, whose real name is Tonomoto Akinao, is a samurai who once served Toranaga and remains loyal to the lord of Kanto. It is unclear how long Tonomoto Akinao lived as a spy under a different name, but he and Toranaga managed to keep their arrangement secret despite Yabushige's efforts to find the spy. Augereau, whose death has not been confirmed, was used as a scapegoat.

Why didn't Toda Buntaro fight John Blackthorn? Despite the tension, a fight between the two did not happen

Toda Buntaro's return led to some very intense scenes involving him and Jun Blackthorn, culminating in a confrontation between the two characters after Anjin saw that Buntaro had hurt Mariko. While it seemed like there would be some kind of duel between Buntaro and Toranaga, especially considering how their skills compared previously, Lady Mariko's husband simply apologized to Anjin. The samurai indicated that he was insulting House Blackthorn and refused to get up and pick up his sword to fight.

From Episode 5 of Shōgun everything about Lady Mariko's past has been revealed. Lady Mariko has been wanting to commit seppuku since her father's betrayal. Custom image by Yailin Chacon

Shōgun's Lady Mariko is loosely based on Hosokawa Gracia, who played an important role in the Sengoku era of Japan and converted to Christianity at a young age. Gracia's father, Akechi Mitsuhide, betrayed and murdered Oda Nobunaga, considered Japan's first great unifier. Like Hosokawa Gracia, Lady Mariko is the daughter of the traitor Akechi-san, who killed Lord Kuroda. Mariko reveals to Blackthorn that although she asked to commit seppuku alongside her family, she was forced to marry the samurai Toda Buntaro instead. Mariko has lived in shame and agony ever since, hoping that one day she would be allowed to die.

What's next for Jon Blackthorn and Lady Mariko's relationship in Shogun? Mariko and Blackthorn will now only speak through the words of others

Blackthorn confronted Mariko about how she chose to live her life, saying that she could not spend her days wishing she was dead and feeling resentful that she was not allowed to commit seppuku. This leads them to argue, and Mariko now seems to regret telling Blackthorne her life story. She put an end to any relationship they had, saying that from now on, they would only speak to each other when there was something that could be translated. It remains to be seen if they will reconcile in the upcoming Shōgun episodes.

Stream on Hulu

Shōgun releases new episodes every Tuesday on FX and Hulu.


Shogun is an FX original mini-series set in 17th century Japan. Shogun follows John Blackthorn, who has become a samurai but is unwittingly a pawn in Yoshi Toranaga's plan to become Shogun. The series stars Cosmo Jarvis as John Blackthorne and Hiroyuki Sanada as Yoshi Toranaga, along with Anna Sawai, Tadanobu Asano, and Yuki Kidoin.

Cast: Cosmo Jarvis, Hiroyuki Sanada, Anna Sawai, Tadanobu Asano, Yuki Kidoin.

Seasons 1

Hulu streaming service(s).




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