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The earthquake caused by Toni Kukoc is Nikola Jokic being compared to Vlade Divac and Dino Radja

The earthquake caused by Toni Kukoc is Nikola Jokic being compared to Vlade Divac and Dino Radja


Nikola Jokic is dominating every NBA MVP discussion this season to the point of debating whether or not he's the best player on the planet right now, but Toni Kukoc, the three-time champion with the Chicago Bulls, Controversially questioned. He has reached the level of his peers.

The peers in question are Vlade Divac and Dino Radja, who were NBA Hall of Fame inductees in 2019 and 2018 respectively, and were ahead of their time in the way they played and shaped a legacy.

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These are the two people Kukoc said Jokic is down for, and it caused a seismic shockwave among NBA fans while starting a heated debate on the matter.

“Despite what the statistics say, Nikola Jokic has not yet reached the level of Dino Radja or Vlad Divac as a midfielder,” Kucoc told Sporski Zornal. “30 years ago, Divac shocked America with the way he handled the ball because he was so tall.

“Radja, when it comes to how to catch the ball under the basket and get to the other side of the court to score.”

If Kukoc is talking about the midfield position as it was understood in the days when Divac and Radja patrolled the ground, then he might have a point.

But basketball has changed a lot in the last 10 years, and the center has become more demanding of other things, and Jokic provides many of those services, most of them, with sometimes humiliating superiority over his competitors.

Jokic is averaging 26.1 points, 12.3 rebounds and 9 assists per game this season, higher than his already impressive career averages of 20.9 points, 10.7 rebounds and 6.9 assists.

Jokic won the ring, while neither Divac nor Radja could. The Denver Nuggets star is also a two-time NBA Finals MVP and two-time regular season MVP.

He was also selected to five teams all season by either team. Additionally, Jokic played in five All-Star Games, while Divac played once and Radja was never there.

Even if Kukoc, in his statement, did not take statistics into account, many put him ahead not only of Divac or Radja, but on the level of players such as Dirk Nowitzki, Pau Gasol, and even Kukoc, Domantas Sabonis or Drazen Petrovic.

These are really big words and Jokic could one day be recognized as the best center in NBA history…

Who are Radja and Devak?

For those who don't know, Dino Radja, Kukoc's former teammate on the legendary KK Split, spent four seasons with the Boston Celtics averaging 16.7 points, 8.4 rebounds and 1.6 assists in 224 regular season games before returning to Europe.

Vlade Divac stayed longer. His NBA career began in 1989 with the Los Angeles Lakers and continued until 2005 with the Sacramento Kings and Charlotte Hornets. In his best season, 1994-95, he averaged 16 points, 10.4 rebounds and 4.1 assists.

However, although Divac, above all, but also Radja, had a huge impact in the NBA. When the duo arrived, there was the same feeling the sport has with Jokic: we are witnessing one of the best European players of all time.




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