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Framework Council clashes with “ignorant” tourists refusing to wear masks as thousands hit “Benidorm on steroid beaches”


CORNWALL council has clashed with “ignorant” visitors over the refusal to wear masks amid fears that holiday hotspots could face a local stalemate.

Thousands descended on beaches along the South Coast this weekend to soak up the sun as temperatures hit high levels of 37.8C.

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Tourists fall on Perranporth beach in Cornwall


Tourists fall on Perranporth beach in CornwallCredit: SWNS: South West News Service
The streets of Perranporth, Cornwall, are full of tourists on August 2nd


The streets of Perranporth, Cornwall, are full of tourists on August 2ndCredit: SWNS: South West News Service
A complete beach park in the town of Perranporth


A complete beach park in the town of PerranporthCredit: SWNS: South West News Service

Cornwall Council Vice President Adam Paynter said he fears in the community an increase in coronavirus cases due to visitor involvement.

It also hit “ignorant” tourists who have refused to wear masks as they head south-west.

Mr Paynter said he has heard reports of visitors cutting face masks as they claim they are on holiday to “get away” from the blast.

Cornwall has seen an “unprecedented” number of visitors flocking to its beaches – leaving some locals too scared to leave their homes.

Locals have said they fear the destruction of tourists descending on their cities – and potentially spreading the virus – could lead to a local stalemate.

Popular coastal spots have become more elaborate with some areas being compared to “Benidorm on steroids” – with tourist bosses estimating 150,000 visitors heading to Cornwall.

Speaking to LBC, Councilor Paynter said: “I have heard two different incidents where people have been heard saying, ‘Well, I’re not going to wear a mask. I came down here to get away from it all.’

“I think she is very ignorant thinking that the coronavirus does not exist here.”

David Hall, 55, who runs the Wind & Sea Surfing Center in St Ives, said the number of people taking to the streets was “out of control”.

He said: “We need to avoid a local stalemate and I do not feel like the council has done enough.”


Ian Goodman, from Perranporth, Cornwall, added: “We will be in trouble soon, Perranporth is getting up.

“Roads are blocked and no one cares. I’m talking tourists here.”

Local resident Dave Gambrill added: “Cornwall will close again very soon. We are all doomed.”

Government officials have the power to impose local blockades in an effort to seal any coronavirus outbreaks, such as the restrictions imposed on Leicester.

Cornwall and the Scilly Islands have so far recorded 512 cases of coronavirus – but daily cases tripled last week as tourists flooded inside.

The British have also been photographed hitting the beaches in their thousands in Southend, Brighton and Bournemouth as fear spreads from a possible second wave.

Holidaymkers hit the surf on Perranporth beach


Holidaymkers hit the surf on Perranporth beachCredit: SWNS: South West News Service
Crowded streets in Cornwall amid fears of a local traffic jam


Crowded streets in Cornwall amid fears of a local traffic jamCredit: SWNS: South West News Service
Perranporth beach is full of holidays on August 2


Perranporth beach is full of holidays on August 2Credit: SWNS: South West News Service

Carpenter Luke Davies, 39, from Falmouth, Cornwall, said: “If the world and his wife continue to go down to the beaches from every corner of the UK, then a local blockage seems almost inevitable.

“Once you see what happened to Leceister likes, it certainly is only a matter of time.”

He added: “Obviously tourists are needed for the economy, but what price is put on the health of locals?”

Another Frame resident, Richard Sedgley, posted on Twitter: “I will not be surprised if the blockage is restored soon here in Cornwall.”

Kit Hartop, from Cornwall, also posted on Twitter that he had “never seen anything like this” and added “we just don’t have the infrastructure to cope”.

Other locals begged the government to impose measures – with a tweet “please put up a local blockade in Cornwall. This is our house”.


Julian Price, 45, who manages the ticket school to travel to Surran in PerranporthBeach, said there is “no social distancing” as tourists descend on Cornwall.

A 66-year-old grandmother from Falmouth, who asked not to be named, said the situation was “terrible” and tourists seem to think there is no coronavirus in the county.

She added: “I think the only thing that works is the fear factor, putting them in their fear of God for what might happen if they do not make social distance.

“I think Britain has become very free. This virus should be treated more as a plague, or a war.

“Is it more important that the tourist board get some money, or people live?”

Another local added: “Really scary seeing that Cornwall is actually better than regular wines, but we’re not closing.”


Prime Minister Boris Johnson called on Britons to enjoy their stay in the UK as the summer holidays took a hit amid rising numbers of issues in Europe.

Cornwall relies on tourism – and the sector contributes millions of pounds to its economy each year.

Yesterday, mercury hit 37.8C in London – making it the third hottest day in the UK ever as Britons ripped off beaches along the coast.

However, with high 35C levels expected next weekend, crowds in Cornwall do not look like they will go anywhere anytime soon.

Royden Paynter, port master at Mousehole, said: “Suddenly we were hit with a stamp.

“Everyone is a little more stressed this year – they are not moving out of your way.”

It comes after an additional 500,000 was given to Devon and Cornwall Police in July to help the community administer the pandemic this summer.

People on the beach in Southend while the hot weather continues


People on the beach in Southend while the hot weather continuesCredit: PA: Press Association
Bournemouth beach is packed again in the middle of hot weather


Bournemouth beach is packed again in the middle of hot weatherCredit: PA: Press Association
Large crowds drink at beach bars in Brighton


Large crowds drink at beach bars in Brighton

Malcolm Bell, General Manager of Cornwall Visit, said the tourism board is trying to strike a delicate balance between keeping people safe and rebuilding Cornwall’s tourism sector.

He said: “I have been observing many places, and of course it has been busy. For the locals it will probably feel very busy.

“It probably seems quite scary to the locals because if you are at street level, walking forward in a crowd and looking straight ahead, you can not really say that there is social distancing going on in front of you.

“But if you look at it from above, you can see that people are actually leaving.”

Mr Johnson has insisted the UK is taking “every reasonable step” to increase virus cases – and some mitigation measures have slowed.

The prime minister said he was “squeezing the brake pedal” as the number of cases in the UK began to drag on – with 880 new cases on July 31st, the highest since late June.

He had been keen to try life again in reopened norm shops and bars as people were urged to return to work after three months of blockade introduced for the first time in March.

UK chief scientific adviser Sir Patrick Vallance meanwhile has warned of a “danger” of a new blockage coming in during the winter.



Tourists flock to Cornwall to make the most of the sun as locals say they are too scared to go outside

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