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Kaesang Pangarep, Jokowi’s son, unloads the contents of the palace, there is a cute Dipper


Jakarta, IDN Times – Not just once or twice, President Joko ‘Jokowi’ Widodo’s youngest son, Kaesang Pangarep shocked cyberspace through content that wasassignment. Not long ago, Gibran’s younger brother Rakabuming Raka unpacked the contents of the State Palace. Namely kitchen items, which are then soldshare via his personal Twitter account.

Kaesang openly displayed the contents of the kitchen of the First Lady, Iriana Joko Widodo. Curious what objects are being dismantled by Kaesang in horrific cyberspace. This is the summary!

1. A ladle in the pink palace with a Hello Kitty photo

Kaesang Pangarep, Jokowi's son, unloads the contents of the palace, there is a cute DipperIndonesian habits are also done at the palace (

Perhaps many wonder how the atmosphere of a bathroom in a state palace is. Unexpectedly, Kaesang shared a portrait of a hot pink ladle.

Finally, the citizens know what a ladle is in the palace. There is a picture of Hello Kitty, you know!

2. The sugar is stored in a used jam jar.

Kaesang Pangarep, Jokowi's son, unloads the contents of the palace, there is a cute DipperIndonesian habits are also done at the palace (

Not only that, Kaesang also revealed how the form of sugar in the palate.

It turns out that not only in our homes the sugar is stored in a container that uses used jam. Even in the palace, it happened. Yes, environmentally friendly.

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3. Store dish soap in used mineral water bottles.

Kaesang Pangarep, Jokowi's son, unloads the contents of the palace, there is a cute DipperIndonesian habits are also done at the palace (

For professional dish soap. Kaesang also uploaded how the palace kept it. It turns out the way to store sugar is the same as dish soap is stored using used mineral water bottles.

4. The remaining sugar is organized for storage

Kaesang Pangarep, Jokowi's son, unloads the contents of the palace, there is a cute DipperIndonesian habits are also done at the palace (

Internet users have also started asking Kaesang for other things. “Don’t you keep the sugar in the palate stored in its original packaging with rubber?”

It is true! Kaesang uploaded a photo of the rest of the sugar packet that was scraped off.

5. Inverted bottled sauces intended for consumption

Kaesang Pangarep, Jokowi's son, unloads the contents of the palace, there is a cute DipperIndonesian habits are also done at the palace (

It turns out that in the State Palace, almost-disappeared bottled sauce will also be used until the last drop. The sauce bottle will be turned upside down so that the contents that were at the bottom can drain out of the bottle. As a result, the sauce can still be consumed and hassle free.

What absurdity is the action of Kaesang Pangarep. The citizens know that the contents of the Palace kitchen are not much different from ours, guys.

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