Letters to the Editor – April 10, 2024
The problem: The 4.8 magnitude earthquake that struck New York and New Jersey last Friday.
They say an earthquake is nature's dance, which is why last Friday's quake left this New Yorker hoping for a repeat (“On Shaky Ground,” April 7).
As my office building staggered like a drunkard calling for another round, I found the experience to be all too fleeting.
Did our mild earthquake have a special skill in California?
Maybe not.
But what it was was something much more dignified. It was like a bullfight, where the matador and the beast embrace at the end.
Oliver Mosier
What can New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy do after the accident (“New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy under fire for not returning to state in wake of historic earthquake that left residents terrified,” April 6)?
It was a small earthquake and did little damage.
Should he have overreacted like New York Governor Hoochul?
New Jersey has qualified leadership in the agencies that run the state.
If the damage was severe, its absence would be noticeable.
Then it would have been key to coordinating state and federal agencies.
But the actual state agencies are run by their heads, not the governor.
Peter Perano
Ridgewood, New Jersey
An earthquake last Friday, historic rains and floods in March and a solar eclipse on Monday.
Add to that two wars that claimed thousands of lives.
Could orgasm be soon?
David DiBello
Imagine if the earthquake had occurred exactly one week ago, on Good Friday.
Churches would be filled to bursting on Easter Sunday morning with people who suddenly began calling themselves lost Christians.
James Visby
An earthquake on the Jersey Shore, and a bridge collapse in Baltimore.
ISIS is being slaughtered from behind a gun, and the moon completely blocks the sun.
Aid workers in Gaza are in shock.
what should I say?
Among the amazing events that have occurred in just the past two weeks, Billy Joel has enough material to repeat his hit song “We Didn't Start the Fire.”
Where is Morabito?
Scranton, Pennsylvania.
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Problem: The engine cover of a Southwest Airlines Boeing 737 came off after takeoff from Denver.
Why is every mishap involving a Boeing plane always considered Boeing's fault (“Things Go awry on Another Boeing 737,” April 8)?
These planes are supposed to be operated and maintained by airlines: they fly constantly. Many of these aircraft are also between 10 and 15 years old.
If something breaks or falls, it's likely the airline's fault – not Boeing's.
I think all the mainstream media is doing, deliberately, is to disparage and destroy one of the major US aircraft manufacturers so that Airbus, and perhaps China's new aircraft, can gain business.
Samuel Mark
West Hempstead
I have a prediction: If and when the full story of Boeing's quality collapse is known, the culprit will likely be DEI.
This means that it will become clear that hiring and promotion standards have deteriorated to where they were based on vague factors other than reasonable ones such as merit and excellence.
Hank Taylor
Bryan, Texas
What's going on with the US aviation industry?
Another 737 lost its engine cover.
It seems that the once most reliable means of transportation is now collapsing.
Mindy Rader
new city
Want to comment on today's stories? Send your ideas (with your full name and city of residence) to [email protected]. Letters are edited for clarity, length, accuracy and style.
Sources 2/ https://nypost.com/2024/04/09/opinion/tri-state-areas-surprise-earthquake-letters-to-the-editor-april-10-2024/ The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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