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Preparedness events in British Columbia raise awareness of earthquake and tsunami risks

Preparedness events in British Columbia raise awareness of earthquake and tsunami risks


VANCOUVER ISLAND, British Columbia, April 11, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — To educate communities about earthquake preparedness and tsunami risks, and empower them to be resilient, the British Columbia Earthquake Alliance (BCEA) is pleased to announce the High Ground and Earthquake Preparedness Tour this month. walking long distances. Events will be held across the province in honor of Tsunami Preparedness Week.

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The Earthquake Preparedness Tour aims to simulate the experience of a seismic event, allowing participants to understand first-hand the potential impact of an earthquake and tsunami event.

Participants are also invited to join the Higher Ground Hike, a guided walking trip to designated tsunami safe sites. These trips emphasize the importance of identifying safe evacuation routes and assembling an emergency kit.

British Columbians are encouraged to review and follow these three important steps to ensure they know what to do in the event of a tsunami:

If you are near the coast and feel an earthquake, “Drop, dive, and hold on!” Then immediately move to higher ground.

Once you reach high ground, stay there. Wait for the “all clear” from local officials to confirm that the threat has passed. Tsunami waves can last several hours.

Always follow the instructions of local officials during emergencies. Residents of coastal communities should sign up for local weather and emergency alerts, if possible.

BCEA will make stops in Port Alberni, Tofino, Ucluelet and Delta during Tsunami Preparedness Week. All events are free and open to the public.

Friday 12 April: Alberni Valley Multiplex, Port Alberni (1-4pm)

Saturday, April 13: Tofino Community Centre, Tofino (10 a.m. to 1 p.m.)

Sunday 14 April: UAC Hall, Ucluelet (10:15am – 1:15pm)

Friday, April 19: North Delta Recreation Center (upper parking lot), Delta (1-4 p.m.)

For more earthquake and tsunami resources, including a detailed calendar of BCEA events, visit

The story continues


Naomi Yamamoto, President of the British Columbia Earthquake Alliance “Communities in remote areas along the British Columbia coast and Vancouver Island, which are vulnerable to tsunamis, have an opportunity to understand that it will be critical during a major earthquake to get down, cover and hold up,” and then quickly move to safety to High ground. Tsunami Preparedness Week goes hand in hand with earthquake education. “Earthquake simulations are an unforgettable educational experience and we are grateful to be able to offer them to potentially at-risk communities.”

Bowen Ma, Minister of Emergency Management and Climate Preparedness “While British Columbia experiences thousands of small earthquakes every year, people in coastal communities need to be prepared in case they see an earthquake large enough to cause a tsunami. During Tsunami Preparedness Week, I encourage everyone to be prepared by Packing and moving bags, learning about local alert services and participating in a mountain hike and earthquake preparedness tour.

José Osborne, Minister for Energy, Mines and Low Carbon Innovation and MLA for the Central Pacific Rim “Western coasts know how important it is to be prepared in the event of an earthquake or tsunami. Because remote areas often don't” We have the same level of resources and educational opportunities offered In larger centres, it means a lot that BCEA is specifically visiting our region on this preparedness tour. This will help fill the gaps to ensure we are all better prepared for natural disasters.”

Aaron Sutherland, Vice-President, Pacific and Western Insurance Bureau of Canada (IBC) “As the most seismically active region in Canada, southwestern British Columbia has a 30% chance of experiencing a major earthquake in the next 50 years. It's not a chance. Question: Does “But when. IBC is proud to sponsor the Earthquake Preparedness Tour and Earth Walk, which provides communities the opportunity to learn about the potential for a catastrophic event and how to prepare themselves and their families. Together, we can build a culture of preparedness and ensure a safer future for all.”

About high ground elevations

Land hiking is a community event held annually during Tsunami Preparedness Week. These trips raise awareness of tsunami dangers in British Columbia and give people along the coast the opportunity to practice getting to a tsunami-safe location. This year, Tsunami Preparedness Week will be held from April 14-20. Be sure to check out a highland hike near you!

About the Insurance Bureau of Canada

Founded in 1964, the Insurance Bureau of Canada (IBC) is the national industry association representing private home, auto and business insurers in Canada. Its member companies make up the vast majority of Canada's highly competitive property and casualty (P&C) insurance market.

As the primary advocate for private property and casualty insurers in Canada, IBC partners with governments, regulators and stakeholders to support a competitive environment for the property and casualty insurance industry to continue to help protect Canadians from the risks of today and tomorrow.

IBC believes that Canadians value and deserve a responsive and flexible property and casualty private insurance industry that provides insurance solutions for both individuals and businesses.

For media releases, IN Focus articles, or to book an interview with an IBC representative, visit Follow us on LinkedIn, X, Instagram, and like our Facebook page. If you have a question about home, auto or business insurance, call IBC's Consumer Information Center at 1-844-2ask-IBC. We are here to help.

If you need more information, spokesmen for the BC Earthquake Alliance and the Insurance Bureau of Canada are available.

Source: Insurance Bureau of Canada


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