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Envoy: Turkish and Taiwanese drone team intensifies efforts after the earthquake

Envoy: Turkish and Taiwanese drone team intensifies efforts after the earthquake


Taiwan welcomed and accepted help from a Turkish drone team. Representative of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Mission, Volkan Chih-Yang Huang, said that after a 7.4-magnitude earthquake struck the island on April 3, more than 1,100 people were injured.

“As the capacity of domestic drone equipment was insufficient to conduct complex and difficult search and rescue operations in Taroko Strait, Hualien County, Taiwan welcomed and accepted assistance from a Turkish drone team after emergency and comprehensive discussions on drone operation regulations,” Cheh said. – Yang told Daily Sabah.

He stressed that although Taiwan has an impressive reputation as a global high-tech power, the development of advanced UAV capabilities and operational expertise, especially in disaster relief, is still limited.

FLY BVLOS, which is responsible for the International Disaster Drone Test Center and Campus Project licensed by the Turkish Civil Aviation Authority, sent senior experts with some drone-related equipment that was transported more than 8,000 kilometers to Taiwan after acceptance by the Taiwan Authority. A representative said .

The number of earthquake victims rose to 16 on Wednesday, officials said, adding that three people were still missing on Chakadang Road, including two Singaporean Australians.

The earthquake was the most severe in Taiwan since a 7.6 magnitude earthquake struck the island in 1999. The death toll from this earthquake reached 2,400 people, making it the deadliest natural disaster in the island's history.

“A joint team composed of Turkish experts and Taiwanese company GEOSAT Aerospace & Technology arrived at the advanced command center in Hualien,” Chih Yang said. They conducted aerial reconnaissance along the badly damaged Chakadang Track and Highway 8 of the Central Expressway across the island, using overlapping image technology to create 3D models depicting the disaster area's topography and searching for missing victims.

These models were then submitted to the Central Emergency Operations Center, Hualien County Disaster Response Center, Forward Command Center and the Society of Civil Engineers for further analysis and comprehensive damage assessment and reconstruction, he explained, stressing that the survey results will serve as a reference for future disaster relief efforts in Taiwan.

Likewise, Taiwan urged Turkey's aid after two earthquakes struck the country's southeastern regions last year, killing about 50,000 people and damaging entire cities.

“In addition to the ten humanitarian aid projects for earthquake relief in Turkey since February 2023, we are also discussing future cooperation and exchanges on disaster prevention with local municipal governments and relevant NGOs in potential earthquake areas in Turkey,” Zhi Yang highlighted.

“It is also planned to combine drone technology to improve adaptability and resilience in the face of natural disasters such as earthquakes. On the other hand, we are promoting the exchange of disaster relief experiences between the non-governmental Search and Rescue Association of Turkey (AKUT) and our own research association. Rescue so that we can learn from each other and improve our capabilities in emergency response and cooperation for international disaster assistance.”

Twenty-five years after the 1999 Chi Chi earthquake, Taiwan once again experienced a 7.2 magnitude earthquake. Although the epicenter, fortunately, was not in a densely populated urban area, the earthquake caused significant damage.

The representative stressed that “natural disasters cannot be completely avoided.” “Taiwan has improved building structure standards through regulations and strictly implemented them. The public has developed habits and awareness of earthquake response, and the latest technologies have been continuously used to improve the efficiency of disaster prevention and relief. These are all important factors in damage control.”

The difference in death tolls reveals the huge gap Ankara must fill in earthquake preparedness.

Strict building codes and widespread disaster preparedness helped avert a larger disaster in Taiwan.

He said that Taiwan is always ready to share its experiences and plans with friends in Turkey and looks forward to “working with Ankara to exert greater capabilities in the field of disaster prevention and relief with better preparedness in the coming days.”

Taiwan's preparedness comes from better buildings, early warning systems, educational campaigns, and elaborate rescue operations.

After 1999, Taiwanese authorities updated construction standards to make new buildings more earthquake-resistant. For those approximately 4 million homes built at least 30 years ago, the government has also provided subsidies for inspection and modernization.

Mobile alerts and nationwide seismic sensors across the country can provide precious seconds of warning of upcoming strong tremors so people have time to take cover to protect themselves from falling objects.

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