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Japan's Shikoku region is hit by a M6.6 earthquake

Japan's Shikoku region is hit by a M6.6 earthquake
Japan's Shikoku region is hit by a M6.6 earthquake


A 6.6-magnitude earthquake shook western Japan late Wednesday night. No tsunami occurred.

The quake occurred around 11:14 p.m., and was strongest in Ehime and Kochi prefectures in the Shikoku region. Officials say its magnitude registered below 6 on the Japanese seismic scale, which ranges from zero to seven, making it the strongest quake in the region since the current scale system was implemented in 1996.

Residents began removing rubble on Thursday. Ceiling and wall tiles were strewn across the shopping street in Awajima City, Ehime.

Water pipes and electricity poles were also damaged elsewhere. There were also reports of debris blocking some roads.

Fallen rocks and trees forced JR Shikoku to suspend some train services until Thursday.

Authorities say only minor injuries, such as falls, were reported. Some people were treated in hospital.

Nuclear power plants in the region are also stable. No major problems were reported at the Ikata nuclear plant in Ehime, nor at the Sendai plant in Kagoshima Prefecture. Radiation levels are said to remain constant in both.

The earthquake raised fears of the possibility of a huge earthquake. The epicenter of the earthquake was in the Bongo Channel, part of the Nankai Basin. Experts expect a huge earthquake to occur in the trough within the next thirty years. But one expert says Wednesday's quake may have nothing to do with the quake.

Professor Satake Kenji of the University of Tokyo Earthquake Research Institute said he believed the cause of the quake was different from the one in the Nankai Basin. He added that he believes the earthquake came from the Philippine Sea plate, which is sinking slightly.

The authorities called for caution, saying that more earthquakes are likely to hit the region during the next week.




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