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Taiwan experiences 200 aftershocks from a deadly earthquake, but no serious damage

Taiwan experiences 200 aftershocks from a deadly earthquake, but no serious damage
Taiwan experiences 200 aftershocks from a deadly earthquake, but no serious damage


There were no reports of injuries.

Hualien City:

Earthquake-hit Hualien County in eastern Taiwan was hit by more than 200 aftershocks late Monday and early Tuesday, but only minor damage and no casualties were reported, and major chipmaker TSMC said it saw no impact on operations. .

The largely sparsely populated rural city of Hualien was hit by a 7.2-magnitude earthquake on April 3 that killed at least 17 people, and there have been more than 1,000 aftershocks since then.

Buildings swayed in large parts of northern, eastern and western Taiwan, including the capital, Taipei, throughout the night, with the largest quake measuring 6.3. They were all very shallow.

Aden Peng, a Taipei resident, said, “Especially at two o'clock in the morning, it shook very strongly. In fact, for a moment I thought about going downstairs, but since we live on the sixth floor, it felt somewhat difficult to get down.” 44, medical researcher.

“Then again, according to my previous experience, I thought it should be okay, and I hope it will be okay,” Peng added. “Because I was so tired, I continued to sleep, hoping for the best.”

Taiwan's Central Meteorological Administration said the wave of earthquakes that began Monday afternoon, with a magnitude estimated at more than 200, were aftershocks of the large earthquake that occurred on April 3.

Earthquake Center Director Wu Xinfu told reporters that the aftershocks were a “concentrated release of energy” and that more could be expected, although perhaps not as strong.

He added that with heavy rain expected to fall across Taiwan this week, people in Hualien should prepare for more unrest.

Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen, on her Facebook page, called on people to avoid the mountains and remain alert.

“When an earthquake happens, don't panic. Master the 'duck, take cover, and stay put' principle,” she wrote.

The Hualien Fire Department said two buildings, which were already unoccupied after sustaining damage on April 3, sustained further damage and were leaning.

There were no reports of injuries.

Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC), the world's largest contract chip maker, whose factories are located on the island's west coast, said some employees at a small number of factories had been evacuated, but the facility and safety systems were operating normally and all employees were fine.

“At this time, we do not anticipate any impact on operations,” she said in an email.

Investors shrugged off concerns about the quake, with Taipei-listed TSMC shares closing 1.6% higher on Tuesday.

In mountainous Hualien County, some roads were reported closed after falling rocks, and the government suspended work and schools for the day.

Taiwan is located near the intersection of two tectonic plates, and is prone to earthquakes.

More than 100 people were killed in an earthquake that struck southern Taiwan in 2016, while a 7.3-magnitude earthquake killed more than 2,000 people in 1999.

(Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)




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