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A new study suggests that five devastating earthquakes led to the demise of the pre-Aztec city of Teotihuacan.

A new study suggests that five devastating earthquakes led to the demise of the pre-Aztec city of Teotihuacan.


A series of massive earthquakes may have led to the decline and eventual abandonment of the pre-Aztec city of Teotihuacan in Mesoamerica, a new study suggests.

Teotihuacan, which lies northeast of present-day Mexico City and flourished between 150 BC and 650 AD, had a population of more than 100,000 at its peak, but after several centuries that number had declined dramatically, according to a study published in May 2019. Publication of the Journal of Archaeological Sciences: Reports.

Researchers have long wondered what caused such a dramatic decline in population, with hypotheses including war and famine. However, a new analysis of some of the city's famous pyramids reveals that Teotihuacan was hit by five powerful, treacherous earthquakes that rocked the city roughly between 100 and 600 AD.

“Large earthquakes stand out as the most spectacular seismic events ever documented,” study lead author Raul Pérez Lopez, a seismic geologist at the Institute of Geology and Mining in Spain, told Live Science via email. “These earthquakes originate in subduction zones, such as the Mesoamerica Trench (MAT). [an oceanic trench in the Pacific Ocean that’s one of the world’s largest subduction zones and the boundary between several tectonic plates, including the Nazca and North American]. “What sets it apart from others is its exceptional size and relatively rare occurrence compared to other seismic events.”

For example, a single earthquake is so powerful that the seismic energy it emits is “equivalent to the energy released by about 32,000 nuclear bombs in Hiroshima,” Pérez Lopez said. A more recent strong earthquake occurred in Japan in 2011.

RELATED: 1,500-year-old 'lost' village of Teotihuacan discovered in the heart of Mexico City

He added: “The release of such incredible energy during a strong earthquake can have catastrophic consequences for the surrounding areas, demonstrating the enormous destructive potential of these seismic events.”

For the study, the researchers analyzed three of Teotihuacan's pyramids, including the Temple of the Feathered Serpent, the Pyramid of the Sun, and the Pyramid of the Moon, looking for traces of archaeological earthquakes, or damage patterns associated with strong ground tremors. They found that seismic shocks shook the city from the southwest to the northeast, leaving clear evidence in its facades, according to the study.

Perhaps the weakest of the three pyramids is the Temple of the Feathered Serpent, which showed “displacement and cracking [its] Massive andesite [rock] Building blocks.” The researchers also noted examples of “broken corners” of exterior stair blocks and “dislodged bricks.”

While researchers were aware of large earthquakes and researched them in a 2010 study, it was not until this new study that they discovered the full extent of the damage caused by them.

“It is striking that in the last century, earthquakes exceeding magnitude 8.6 in Mexico have not significantly affected the infrastructure in Teotihuacan,” he said. “This highlights the necessity of exceptionally strong earthquakes to induce the specific destructive patterns observed in this ancient city.”

In response to the earthquakes, the city's residents reinforced their pyramids as a precaution.

“The initial response by the Teotihuacan tribe was to reinforce the Pyramid of the Sun, the largest structure in their city, along its north-south axis in an attempt to fortify it against future earthquakes,” he said. “In addition, they reused and removed other items that had been damaged by seismic activity. Interestingly, they chose to hide one of the most prominent signs of damage from the earthquake: the rotation and displacement of the Western Staircase of the Polished Serpent Temple.”

“Today, these archaeological traces of earthquakes are still visible, providing valuable insights into ancient civilization's resilience and adaptation strategies,” he added.

However, even architectural changes were not enough to save the city from eventual abandonment at the end of the seventh century, when there was “a sharp decline in population and a sudden loss of geopolitical power,” the authors wrote in the study. .

“The disruption caused by a devastating earthquake not only shakes the material foundations of society, but also destabilizes its social and political structure,” Pérez Lopez said. “Mismanagement of societal discontent in the wake of such a disaster could spark internal revolts, especially in the absence of effective military and urban infrastructure. This creates fertile ground for unrest, which could spark rebellions fueled by neighboring cities and exacerbate existing tensions.”




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