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Cabinet gives green light to post-earthquake recovery plans in Hualien

Cabinet gives green light to post-earthquake recovery plans in Hualien



Taipei, May 2 (CNA) The Cabinet approved several recovery and reconstruction plans in Hualien on Thursday in response to severe damage caused by a 7.2-magnitude earthquake that struck eastern Taiwan on April 3.

Prime Minister Chen Chien-jin (陳建仁) said the government will activate plans to repair and rebuild public buildings, provide support and revitalize industry, Cabinet spokesman Lin Tze-lüen (林子倫) said at a press conference after the weekly Cabinet meeting.

The total budget for the plans was calculated at NT$28.55 billion (US$878.15 million), of which NT$18.44 billion was for the repair and reconstruction of public buildings, NT$5.84 billion for the reconstruction of private housing and shelter, and NT$4.08 billion New to revitalize industry and the northern territory. $190 million to support insurance and employment assistance.

Industry revitalization and relief measures include credit guarantees for travel and accommodation-related businesses, digital vouchers for cultural points, and incentives for agritourism and community-based tourism for indigenous people.

In addition, the severe damage to Taroko National Park will be addressed in three stages, first urgent repairs, strengthening safety measures and upgrading disaster prevention technology to enhance tourism safety.

In addition, while emergency railway repairs are completed, the train car protection systems will be strengthened and integrated with earthquake prediction systems. The Hirin and Cheongdae stations will be newly equipped with earthquake warning systems and accelerometers, which record earthquakes, with the surrounding tracks and slopes reconstructed.

Meanwhile, Chen ordered the Interior Ministry to set up an office in Hualien to supervise reconstruction work and a consulting group to assist residents in matters related to the reconstruction of old and unsafe buildings, Lin said.

He added that the ministry needs to better understand the practical needs of the population and provide comprehensive services related to shelter, reconstruction and urban renewal.

Lin said that financing for the plans will come from the central government's special funds, forward-looking infrastructure financing, post-epidemic special funds, tax revenues, reserve funds from the central and local governments, as well as private donations.

The Cabinet has allocated a budget of NT$15.97 billion this year. The remaining NT$12.58 billion will be disbursed according to the actual reconstruction work undertaken by each ministry after 2024, according to Lin.

(By Lai Yu Chen and Wu Kwan Hsien)





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