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Abstract | The Portland Timbers beat the San Jose Earthquakes 4-2

Abstract |  The Portland Timbers beat the San Jose Earthquakes 4-2


Rodriguez hit a double, and Evander and Mora hit three home runs

PORTLAND, OR – After overcoming a two-goal deficit in the first half, the Portland Timbers came back to score four goals in the second half to defeat the San Jose Earthquakes on Wednesday night at Providence Park.

Jonathan Rodriguez scored a brace, Evander scored from the penalty spot and an assist while Felipe Moura got the game-winner from the penalty spot in the 90th minute as the Quakes finished the game down to ten men.

Return results

Tonight's comeback win marked the Timbers' second win ever after trailing by 2-0 or more, and the first time since earning a 3-2 win against Houston Dynamo FC on June 26, 2016. Portland is also the first MLS team to have a team score four goals or more unanswered after trailing by 2-0 or more since March 31, 2018 (LA Galaxy 4, LAFC 3). It also marked the Timbers' third comeback score of the season after overcoming a 3-0 deficit to draw 3-3 with Sporting Kansas City (April 7) and turn a 1-0 scoreline into a 2-1 win over New York City FC (April 7) March 9 ).

Men of the match

Evander scored his fifth goal and fifth assist of the season. The Brazilian midfielder has scored four goals and four assists in his last six appearances for the Timbers. Felipe Moura also scored his fifth goal this season, tying with Evander for the team lead. The 30-year-old forward has scored in two straight games for Portland after scoring against Seattle (May 12). Striker Jonathan Rodriguez scored twice tonight, bringing his total for the season to four. Rodriguez's double was the 57th in the club's history. Santiago Moreno recorded his team-leading sixth assist of the 2024 season, while Kamal Miller recorded his first assist in Portland, becoming the 12th player on the team to have an assist this year.

Scoring plays

SJ – Amal Pellegrino, 31st minute: Jérémy Eboubisse got his head on the end of a corner kick and attempted a powerful header that was blocked by Maxime Crepeau. The rebound found the head of Amal Pellegrino who was the first to respond, sending a header down into the goal.

SJ – Hernan Lopez, 34th minute: Through intense pressing, Hernan Lopez won the ball in midfield and raced into the Earthquakes' attacking half before firing a shot from outside the box that found the back of the net.

Burr-Evander (penalty kick), 74th minute: Portland was awarded a penalty kick after San Jose defender Bruno Wilson was called for a handball inside the box. Evander stepped up and buried the penalty kick with his right foot.

Burr – Jonathan Rodriguez (Evander, Kamal Miller), 80 min: Kamal Miller splits the Earthquakes' lines with a precise pass to Evander in the top left side of the penalty area. The Brazilian held the ball before passing to Jonathan Rodriguez, whose first touch sent him across the penalty area and his right-footed shot found the bottom left corner of the net.

Burr – Felipe Moura (penalty), 90 minutes: Felipe Moura advanced to the penalty spot after VAR awarded a penalty kick to the Timbers following a collision in the penalty area between William Yarbrough and Jonathan Rodriguez. Moura hit a powerful shot with his right foot into the middle and into the roof of the net to give Portland the lead.

Bor – Jonathan Rodriguez (Santiago Moreno), min 90+10: On a counterattack, Santiago Moreno found Jonathan Rodriguez running into space on the left side of the field. Rodriguez received the ball wide and used his right foot to shoot the ball past William Yarbrough.

Next game

The Timbers will wrap up three games in seven days when they take on Minnesota United on Saturday, May 18 at Allianz Field. Kickoff is set for 5:30 PM PT with a stream available on MLS Season Pass on the Apple TV app in English and Spanish. Local radio broadcasts are available on 750 The Game (English) and La GrandD 1150AM/93.5 FM (Spanish).

Portland Timbers (3-6-4, 13 points) vs San Jose Earthquakes (3-9-1, 10 points)

May 15, 2024 – Providence Park (Portland, Oregon)

Scoring summary: PSG: Pellegrino, 31st man: Lopez, 34th man: Evander (pen), 74th man: Rodriguez (Evander), 80th man: Moura (penalty), 90th man: Rodriguez (Moreno), 90+10

Summary of misconduct:SJ: Wilson (ejection), 72POR: Miller (caution), 82SJ: Yarbrough (caution), 90

Line-up: For: GK Crepeau, DK Miller, D Mapiala (Rodriguez, 45), D Zubaric, M Asprilla (E. Miller, 45), M Evander (Fugasa, 90+2), M Chara, M Mosquera, F . Anthony (Paredes, 63), F. Moura (Ayala, 90+10), F. Moreno

Subs who did not use: JK Pantemis, D McGraw, D Jura, M Williamson

Total Shots: 23 (Rodriguez, 5); Shots on target: 9 (Rodriguez, Moura, 3); Fouls: 11 (Miller, 3); Offside: 1; Corner kicks: 7, saves: 1

SJ: G. K. Yarbrough, D. Costa, D. Wilson, D. Rodriguez, D. Acapo, M. Tsakiris (Yuel, 56), M. Gruiso, M. Pellegrino (Mary, 81), M. Lopez (Pison, 75), M. Espinosa (Money, 81). ).) He drowned (Judd, 75)

Subs who did not use: JK Ochoa, M Morales, M Skahan, F Kekanovic

Total shots: 10 (destroyed, 4); Shots on goal: 4 (Ebobisse, Lopez, Akapo, Pellegrino, 1); Fouls: 6 (Yarbrough, Wilson, Tsakiris, Gruizo, Lopez, Ebobisse, 1); Offside: 2; Corner kicks: 4, saves:

Referee: Pierre-Luc Lozier Assistant Referees: Jose da Silva and Corey Rockwell Fourth Official: Tim Ford VAR: Armando Villarreal Weather: Sunny, 77 degrees Attendance: 19,113

All statistics in this box score are unofficial.




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