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Director-General's Award for Global Health Goes to Prime Minister of Barbados and Developers of mRNA Vaccine for COVID-19

Director-General's Award for Global Health Goes to Prime Minister of Barbados and Developers of mRNA Vaccine for COVID-19


WHO Director-General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus presented his Global Health Award to the Prime Minister of Barbados and two scientists for their contribution to advancing global health at the Seventy-seventh World Health Assembly.

The Director-General's Award for Global Health, established in 2019, goes to Her Excellency, Mia Mottley, Prime Minister of Barbados, for her leadership in climate action and health and her work as Chair of the Global Leadership Group on Antimicrobial Resistance.

“Prime Minister Mottley's exemplary leadership in the fight for a fairer, more just and sustainable world is inspiring. The WHO considers climate change the greatest health threat facing humanity. Her tireless efforts for climate action are helping to protect the health of all people, now and into the future,” he said. is the Director General of the WHO Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus. Prime Minister Mottley received the award on May 26 ahead of the World Health Assembly.

Professor Katalin Karikó and Professor Drew Weissman from the University of Pennsylvania were also honored for their outstanding contribution to the development of an mRNA vaccine for COVID-19 at the opening of the World Health Assembly on 27 May.

“Professors Karikó and Weissman played a key role in easing the burden of COVID-19 and saving lives during the pandemic,” said Dr. Tedros. “Their leadership in this area has the potential to play a key role in improving health around the world.”

Prime Minister Mia Mottley is the eighth Prime Minister of Barbados. She became the first woman to hold the high office in 2018, with the largest majority in the country's history. Prime Minister Mottley was re-elected in 2022, winning all 30 seats in the House of Assembly for the second time. Prime Minister Mottley also currently holds the portfolios of Minister of Finance, Economy and Investment. In addition to his numerous regional and international roles, Prime Minister Mottley also chairs the World Health Organization's Global Leadership Group on Antimicrobial Resistance. She has received multiple awards for her strong voice in favor of sustainable policies in the context of climate change and other global challenges.

Professors Karikó and Weissman received the 2023 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. Their discovery “fundamentally changed our understanding of how mRNA communicates with our immune system,” the Nobel committee wrote.

Professor Karikó is a professor at the University of Szeged in Hungary and an assistant professor of neurosurgery at the Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania. She is a former senior vice president at BioNTech SE, Mainz, Germany, where she worked between 2013-2022. For four decades, her research has focused on RNA-mediated mechanisms with the goal of developing in vitro transcribed mRNA for protein therapy.

Professor Drew Weissman is the Roberts Family Professor of Vaccine Research and Director of the Penn Institute for RNA Innovation. He is a professor in the Department of Medicine and director of vaccine research in the Division of Infectious Diseases at the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania.

Professor Weissman is a physician, scientist and pioneer in the science of immunology, with major contributions to the field. Significantly, Professor Weissman, together with Professor Karikó, discovered a new nucleoside-modified mRNA platform that bypasses the unwanted immune response.




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