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Seismic source analysis of the devastating November 21, 2022, Mw 5.6 Cianjur (Indonesia) earthquake from a transmitted aftershock.

Seismic source analysis of the devastating November 21, 2022, Mw 5.6 Cianjur (Indonesia) earthquake from a transmitted aftershock.
Seismic source analysis of the devastating November 21, 2022, Mw 5.6 Cianjur (Indonesia) earthquake from a transmitted aftershock.


We identified 514 Cianjur earthquake aftershock events by hand-picking the 4499 P and 3419 S arrival times (Fig. 4A,C). Using the waveform correlation (WCC) method and hypoDD, we successfully transmitted 442 events out of 514 and compared the transmitted aftershock with their initial locations, as shown in Figure 4B,D. The relative accuracy of aftershock centers was improved, and the directional distribution of the aftershock pattern was more Compiled compared to the locations of the primary aftershock centers. We also determined the instantaneous tensions of the large aftershocks felt on 23 November 2022, 04:41 UTC (Mw4.1), 24 November 2022, 18:44 UTC (Mw4.3), 24 November 2022, 20: 50 UTC (Mw3.9) and 3 December 2022, 22:01 UTC (Mw4.3) as shown in Figure 5.

Figure 4

Map of shallow aftershocks (depth < 15 km) during the period from 22 November 2022 and 24 December 2022, transmitted mainshock 7 marked with red star. (a) 514 primary aftershock epicenters. (b) 442 well-shifted aftershock epicenters with HypoDD after waveform cross-correlation and mostly shallow events that occurred initially. Frequency-magnitude distribution (FMD) at full size 2.5, before transfer (C) and after transfer (D).

Figure 5

Show a map of the transmitted mainshock, transmitted aftershocks and the moment tensor solution for large aftershocks (M = 3.9 and above). The red star represents the mainshock that was transmitted7 and the red to yellow circles show aftershocks. AA' and B-B' show vertical cross sections along the SW-NE and NW-SE direction, respectively.

The use of temporary recordings advanced this study, increasing the resolution of seismic activity by capturing more events and revealing sharper fault geometry (see Figure 5), whereas a previous study using only permanent station data showed (Figure 1, yellow triangles ) A cloud of earthquakes. This study confirms some conclusions from this previous study, such as the presence of aftershocks on coupled faults, with the main shock occurring on a WSW-ENE wave fault. We used the transmitted mainshock and combined it with 442 transmitted aftershocks (see Figures 4b and 5). In general, the lower centers indicate a vertically dipping fault geometry that also corresponds to the nodal planes of moment tensors of the largest aftershocks, as shown in Figure 5. We have demonstrated that the aftershocks of the Cianjur earthquake were mainly concentrated in the western edge of the mainshock that was Its relocation, about 20 km north of the Seemandiri Rajamandala sector.

The transmitted aftershocks extend over an area of ​​about 10 square kilometers and are relatively intense after a moderate mainshock. Based on their locations, we suggest that there are two main groups of distributed aftershocks in the Cianjur region due to unidentified fault structures with WSW-ENE and NNW-SSE direction. The shorter group has a WSW-ENE trend with a length of about 6 km. The main shock likely occurred near the shorter group with a zigzag movement along the WSW-ENE trend fault line. The second group has an NNW-SSE trend of ~8 km length and may be aligned with conjugate faulting that occurs statically and dynamically due to mainshock rupture. Two days after the mainshock on 23 November 2022, there was evidence of a felt aftershock of magnitude Mw = 4.1, with its epicenter located in Cluster II (see Figure 5).

The depth of these transmitted aftershocks was found to be less than 13 km. The distribution of seismic activity defines the seismic zone between 3 to 13 km depth. Previously transmitted aftershocks occurred at shallower depths, while later events were mostly deeper (see Figure 4b). We conjecture that this distribution is the fault rupture zone resulting from the main Cianjur shock. It should be noted that identifying any surface rupture is challenging due to the presence of a layer of recently deposited alluvial or volcanic material above the epicenter area. Therefore, the distribution of aftershock sequences falls within the seismic zone located in the shallow crust.

During the co-seismic phase of rupture, potential strain energy is converted into fracture energy to sustain the rupture, thermal energy is dissipated during rupture, and radiated energy propagates with seismic waves. The radiated energy also provides dynamic stress transfer (additional shear stress and normal clamping-unclamping stress) but is quickly relieved with 1/r2. Therefore, during the co-seismic phase, if the earthquake hosts multiple fault segments, the dynamic stress transfer has a significant contribution. In addition, when rupture is arrested at a certain place and time during a co-seismic phase, slip on the arrested portion of the fault transfers static stress to the adjacent fault(s) (e.g., static Coulomb stress 7). Therefore, during this co-seismic phase event, both mechanisms must occur at the same time.

According to the moment tensor for four aftershocks of larger magnitude (larger than Mw = 3.9); See Figure 5. The Mw4.3 event (24 November 2022) roughly corresponds to the Mw5.6 mainshock and has a P axis of pressure in the WSW-ENE direction. Another significant aftershock event occurred on a fault channeled in the NNW-SSE. In contrast to this compression axis, the moment tensor for the study of regional earthquakes in West Java shows a dominant WE trend, especially in the CFZ which is believed to be the Sinistral Fault 4. Based on these data, it is suggested that the main Cianjur earthquake (Mw5.6) likely occurred On a fault structure associated with WSW-ENE trend and synastral motion similar to the structural pattern of the CFZ. In addition, dextral motion was observed in group II with NNW-SSE direction.

During the temporary local seismic monitoring (November 22, 2022 to December 24, 2022), seismic activity in the CFZ witnessed relatively few events. Further research (e.g., earthquake source modeling and limited fault reflection) is still needed to describe the fault plane that caused the Mw5.6 Cianjur earthquake (21 November 2022).




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