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A new study shows that the devastating typhoon that struck Taiwan caused a wave of earthquakes


The collapsed Chin shuai Hotel is located in floodwaters during Typhoon Morakot in Chipen, Taitung Province, southeastern Taiwan, on August 9, 2009. New research links the landslides from the typhoon to a series of small earthquakes that followed.

(STR / AFP via Getty Images) Hurricane Morakot caused massive floods and landslides in 2009, killed hundreds, and landslides moved massive amounts of rock.

A new study shows that a strong typhoon hit Taiwan more than a decade ago that caused more earthquakes in the years immediately after the storm.

Typhoon Morakot struck Taiwan in 2009, causing massive floods, massive landslides and hundreds of deaths.

The study, which was recently published by a group of international researchers in Scientific Reports, addressed a series of small-scale earthquakes, shallow in 2.5 years after the hurricane. Moracot brought nearly 10 feet of rain over three days and caused some of the most intense erosion ever, according to a study summary from the University of Rennes in France, where some researchers work. Over 10,000 landslides were recorded.

Earthquakes were collected in areas where some of the largest slices occurred. The study concluded that the massive weight of rocks driven by landslides changed the load on the shallow part of the Earth’s crust, creating an environment more suitable for earthquakes.

“These observations indicate that the gradual removal of landslides debris from rivers from southern Taiwan increased the rate of crustal stress to the extent that earthquake activity was clearly affected,” the researchers wrote in the paper.

(More: Uncompromising monsoon rains in South Korea kills at least 18)

While earthquakes often cause landslides, research has shown the opposite effect.

“Our study provides the first evidence of the effect of a single weather-driven erosion event on tectonics,” the scientists wrote.

O’Reilly Sydney, the weather meteorologist at who has studied and reported many earthquakes, has made it clear that a tremor similar to the one that occurred after Moracot is known as “bouncing earthquakes.”

Sydney said: “When you lift a sufficiently heavy load from a region / region, the Earth’s crust returns to the back, just as you push when you push your finger to a wet sponge.” “When you remove your finger, the sponge comes back.”

She said that this phenomenon is responsible for a series of earthquakes in the central United States in the nineteenth century called the New Madrid Sequence, although this series was not related to a single weather event.

Sydney noted that this type of research is very new, and conclusions can change as more is learned.

The study indicated that Taiwan is located on one of the most active mountain ranges on Earth, so it is important to study the causes and effects of earthquakes there.

“Earthquakes are among the most dangerous natural hazards and their destruction,” according to the summary, “Understanding Better Earthquakes Caused by Tectonics and Outside Operations is crucial to conducting a more realistic assessment of earthquake hazards, especially in densely populated areas such as the western coast of Taiwan.”

Weather Company’s primary journalistic mission is to report on breaking weather, the environment and the importance of science in our lives. This story does not necessarily represent the position of the parent company, IBM.


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