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The young man who lost his arm in the 2010 Haiti earthquake is now a missionary

The young man who lost his arm in the 2010 Haiti earthquake is now a missionary
The young man who lost his arm in the 2010 Haiti earthquake is now a missionary


saintelus-haiti-missionary-1.jpg Ganci Santelus, then 5 years old, is photographed after having his arm amputated in Miami, Florida, in 2010. Ganci was trapped under the rubble of his family's collapsed apartment building after a massive earthquake 7.0 degrees. Haiti in January 2010. Photo provided by Jennifer Samuels, courtesy of Church News. all rights are save.

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By Caitlin Bancroft, Church News

Janci Santilus does not remember the tragedy.

He was 5 years old when a devastating 7.0-magnitude earthquake struck Haiti on Jan. 12, 2010, killing 220,000 people and injuring 300,000 others, NPR reported.

The Santelos family's three-story apartment complex in Port-au-Prince collapsed on Ganci, his two younger brothers, and his supervisor. The Church News reported that the children's father, Olgin, was at work, and their mother, Solene, was in the Centrale Ward building, meeting with the bishop about a new vocation.

Fearing the worst, Ulgin and Solen waited while search teams dug through the rubble. After 10 agonizing hours, rescuers heard music – Janci was singing basic songs. He, his siblings, and their caretaker miraculously survived, the only survivors in the collapsed building.

But Ghanshi's wounds were serious and needed immediate attention. Unfortunately, it took another 12 hours before he was airlifted to Miami, Florida, where doctors at Holtz Children's Hospital amputated his right arm.

However, the operation helped save his life, and soon the entire Santellos family was reunited in Florida.

Now, more than 14 years later, Ghanshi returns to the state where he was healed — to work as a full-time missionary. Soon-to-be Elder Santellus has recently accepted a call to the Florida Tampa Mission and will be dismissed on June 23.

Although Ganshi does not remember the aftermath of the earthquake, his parents remember it clearly, from fearing the loss of their children to facing the news that Ganshi's arm would need to be amputated.

But they also remember how calm Ghanshi was, how he would sing and pray while waiting for rescuers, certain that his parents were coming for him.

This simple faith remains a role model for his family.

“No matter what moment we face on this journey…faith in the Lord will always be most important,” said Olgin Santelus. “Don't let it [be] compromise. Surely the Lord can respond at the right time. You just have to knock.”

saintelus-haiti-missionary-2.jpg Ganci Santelus, then 5 years old, is photographed after his arm was amputated in Miami, Florida, in 2010. Ganci was trapped under the rubble of his family's collapsed apartment building after he was struck 7.0 magnitude earthquake Haiti in January 2010. Photo courtesy of Jennifer Samuels, courtesy of Church News. all rights are save. saintelus-haiti-missionary-3.jpegGancci Santelus was 5 years old when he survived a 7.0 magnitude earthquake in Haiti. Fourteen years later, he was preparing for missionary service. Photo by Olgin Santelus, courtesy of Church News. all rights are save. “Miracles still exist”

Santellos, who recently spoke on behalf of the family so that Ganci could continue to focus on his missionary preparations, shared how supportive the Miami community was as Ganci recovered and the Santellos family navigated their next steps.

Ganci was soon fitted with a prosthetic arm, and Santelos, who was in the process of applying for a green card before the quake, worked to obtain legal residency for his family. Santellus eventually became an American citizen, a designation that extended to his children because they were minors.

The Sainteluses moved to Utah in 2011, where they have settled ever since. They also later welcomed two more children into their family.

Olgin Santelos said Ganci showed remarkable resilience in adapting to life after losing his arm. “It's really emotionally stronger than us as parents.”

These days, Santelos said, Ganci is a sincere and optimistic young man with deep integrity who loves the Bible, his family and playing soccer. Gancci is also an excellent student who recently completed his first year at Brigham Young University and plans to study business administration when he returns to school after his assignment.

When it comes to his mission, Santelus said Ganci's mindset is to do whatever the Lord asks of him. The family is “extremely grateful” that Ganci's missing arm does not prevent him from serving full time.

“Adversity, trials, burdens, blessings and pleasures are all part of the experience,” Santellus said, adding: “The Lord’s grace and mercy are real, and miracles still exist.”

Copyright 2024 Deseret News Publishing.




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