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For renovation or construction? Portland City Council is hearing Keller Hall proposals

For renovation or construction?  Portland City Council is hearing Keller Hall proposals


FILE – An undated file photo shows the exterior of Keller Hall in downtown Portland, Ore. A seismic study conducted by the city revealed that the historic venue is in desperate need of renovation.

Stephen Tonthat/OPB

The Portland City Council is considering whether to renovate or replace Keller Auditorium, a historic performing arts venue downtown. Officials hope the move signals the potential to revitalize the city center and turn it into a bustling economic hub.

Keller Hall is located in an old building at Southwest Second Avenue and Clay Street. Recent studies show that the building does not have proper accessibility for people with disabilities, is not energy efficient and is unlikely to survive a major earthquake.

On Wednesday, the council heard proposals to either return Keller to its current location or build a new one to replace it. The council's final decision is expected in July.

The current facility was built in 1917 and renovated in the late 1960s, according to Carl Lisle, Portland's spectator venues program manager. He told council members that the risk of earthquakes was not understood or considered when the hall was last built or renovated.

“since [1960s] “The renovation, the building is pretty much unchanged,” Lisle said. “Many of the building's major systems are at or near the end of their service life, and there is a severe lack of amenities you would expect to find in a newer facility.”

A thriving arts and entertainment venue is often the anchor of a healthy city, and economists have long viewed city centers as an indicator of a community's overall economic health. Portland in particular has promoted its reputation as an arts and cultural center. With office workers slow to return downtown after coronavirus pandemic shutdowns, officials have instead turned to event venues to draw people into the city's core.

Meanwhile, the pandemic has exacerbated Portland's homelessness, mental health and addiction crisis. Downtown Portland in particular is seeing the effects of the city's lack of affordable housing combined with insufficient resources to address mental health and drug addiction. Complex problems have prevented some people from visiting the city

“We are at a critical juncture in the life of this city,” Greg Phillips, a performing arts expert and former executive director of Portland Center Stage, told council members. “Like cities everywhere, we are trying to recover [from the pandemic] Ultimately finding a way to not only survive, but to thrive.

The City Council heard from three groups vying to design the Keller of the future. The Halprin Landscape Conservancy has offered to restore the place to its current location. Portland State University and Lloyd District developers have submitted proposals to build a new venue on their respective sites.

More than 100 people submitted public comments. The majority were in favor of renovating Keller at its current location.

Renovating an existing building is not easy. The hall is still in active use, hosting traveling Broadway shows as well as performances from Oregon Ballet Theater, Portland Opera, and others. City officials estimate that closing construction could cost up to $100 million and put hundreds of jobs at risk.

FILE – Late singer Sharon Jones and the Dap-Kings perform at Keller Hall on April 15, 2016 in Portland, Ore. Keller is still in use, hosting concerts, traveling Broadway shows and more.

Brian Vance/OPB

Halperin said she took these things into consideration in her proposal. The construction schedule includes work during important performance seasons, such as winter holidays. The proposed renovation plan would also create a plaza connecting the space to the Keller Fountain.

Leaders at Portland State University are proposing to build a new Keller Hall on campus. In addition to the 3,000-seat venue, PSU's proposal includes a boutique hotel, a bar, a restaurant and a second, smaller venue. Under the university's proposal, the larger venue would be funded by the city, and ASU would raise money for other aspects.

Developers in Northeast Portland's Lloyd District are promoting a performance venue that would help revitalize the area across the Willamette River from downtown. The hall will be anchored by a mixed-use space that includes retail, housing and open garden space.

Phillips told council members that a preliminary financial analysis shows it would cost nearly $300 million to renovate Keller at its current location. Other proposals could cost more than $425 million. The source of funding was not specified.

“History tells us that in every case, there is a civil, cultural, economic and social impact [of an arts venue] “For a town or city and region is unusual,” Phillips said. “We have also learned that in order to obtain the necessary financing, we must simply create the most exciting project possible, which also guarantees the greatest return on investment.”




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