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The 4.7-magnitude earthquake occurred in Wauni on the new fault

The 4.7-magnitude earthquake occurred in Wauni on the new fault
The 4.7-magnitude earthquake occurred in Wauni on the new fault


BMKG Kendari

A 4.7-magnitude earthquake occurred in the waters surrounding Wawni Island, southeast Sulawesi, on Tuesday morning (6/4/2024). The earthquake did not cause any damage and occurred on a new fault line that has not yet been mapped.

Kendari, Kumbas – A 4.7 magnitude earthquake occurred in the waters of Wawni Island, Konawe Islands, Southeast Sulawesi. There were no reports of damage, and this shallow earthquake occurred on a newly discovered local fault that is not mapped. Apart from raising awareness, the government is expected to conduct joint research to identify new flaws in this area.

On Tuesday morning (6/4/2024), a 4.7-magnitude earthquake occurred in the southeast of the Waoni Sea. The MMI III earthquake was felt in several areas. However, the earthquake did not cause any damage and was far from a tsunami threat.

“As of Tuesday afternoon, there were no reports of damage,” said Rodin, head of the geophysics department. “Because the III MMI is similar to the passing of a truck tremor, it is considered moderate. There have also been no reports of aftershocks.” Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) Kendari.

Based on its depth, this earthquake occurred superficially, at a depth of 10 kilometers in the water area. At the same time, based on its location, this earthquake occurred on a local fault that is not mapped and is different from other faults.

According to Rodin, the Wauni area and its surrounding waters are intersected by two active faults. The Tolo Uplift Fault runs through the waters surrounding Wawonii, while the Hamilton Fault extends southeastward and crosses the land of the small island.

Compass/Siful Rijal Yunus

Children play at an emergency shelter site in Telaga Biru village, Konawe, Southeast Sulawesi on Sunday morning (3/27/2022). A 5.2-magnitude earthquake on Saturday evening caused the evacuation of residents in coastal areas and damaged many buildings.

However, the earthquake this time occurred quite far from the two active faults. He added that it is certain that the epicenter of this earthquake is located on a fairly active local fault. He added: “As far as we know, this is not the first time in this location. But the previous one was small and we did not feel it.”

Frequent earthquakes, especially shallow water earthquakes, are expected to prompt the government and residents near the epicenter to always remain on alert. Moreover, many new faults are still active and have not yet been identified. He reminds residents not to panic but always be careful.

Read also: Consecutive shallow earthquakes hit Wawonii Waters

Last April, five surface earthquakes also occurred in the waters of Wawni Island. The strongest earthquake ever recorded was 4.7 magnitude. At that time, the epicenter was at sea and all located in the Nike-Tulu Fault. The rift, which is 120 kilometers long, extends from Kendari Waters to Wawni Waters.

Aside from the Nike Tulu Fault, Soltra also has a number of active faults, including the Bouton Fault, Kendari Fault, and Lauanobu Fault. BMKG indicates that a number of earthquakes will occur in many of these areas in 2021.

The Bouton Fault is very active, and has been marked by numerous earthquakes that have occurred in the area. The movement of this fault is 0.1 mm per year and is divided into two parts: Part A, 60 km long on Mona Island, and Part B, 29 km long on Button Island.

Compass/Siful Rijal Yunus

Debris of collapsed buildings were seen on one side of the former MTQ monument area in Kendari, Southeast Sulawesi on Sunday (3/27/2022), following a 5.2 magnitude earthquake on Saturday evening. A series of earthquakes that occurred on the Walanobo Fault for two consecutive days caused some buildings to be damaged and coastal residents to evacuate.

Meanwhile, another active fault is the Laanobu Fault. This fault extends from the North Konawe area to the Banda Sea for about 100 kilometers and moves from the northwest to the southeast. This fault was created by the movement of the Pacific and Indo-Australian plates at a rate of 5-7 mm per year. The movement of this fault shifts to the left or it is also called strike-slip fault.

In several earthquakes in the Laanobu Fault, the tremors caused panic among the people of Kendari. On Friday night (March 25, 2022), a 4.9 M earthquake occurred northwest of Konawe, causing panic among local residents. The seismic tremors were very strong in Kendari. A day later, a large 5.2 magnitude earthquake occurred at the same location. Many buildings were damaged and residents had to evacuate.

When contacted separately, Jamhir Svani, a lecturer in geoengineering at Halo Olio University who has extensively researched disasters in Southeast Sulawesi, said that many of the major faults discovered in the region are the result of long-term research. To date, a comprehensive study has yet to be conducted to evaluate the potential for new errors in this area.

Fault mapping is important as a basis for policy making, especially spatial planning. Detailed data on potential disasters and fault structures can prevent impacts when disasters are inevitable. Read also: Laanobu Fault continues to move, with a total of 73 earthquakes in a week

“However, based on the findings of friends on campus, there is the potential for new faults and networks of large faults that have not been identified. Our findings are abundant in Kolono, South Konawe, and indeed around Wauni. BMKG, Sultra District Government said : “Regions/cities should conduct joint research to map existing faults.”

Mapping is important as a basis for policy making, especially in spatial planning. Detailed data on disaster probabilities and fault structures can help avoid impacts when disasters are unavoidable.

“A complete disaster-prone map, taking into account the condition of rock structures and earthquake vulnerability, should be applied to policies. Thus, early prediction of casualties when an earthquake occurs can be done. In addition, mitigation programs and information dissemination to the community should also continue to “Implement it.”




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