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EU election results: EPP's von der Leyen extends olive branch to socialists and liberals

EU election results: EPP's von der Leyen extends olive branch to socialists and liberals


Euronews brings you the latest news and analysis as the results emerge on the fourth and final day of the European elections. French President Emmanuel Macron called for early elections in response to the defeat of the far-right led by Le Pen.


Opinion polls are now coming thick and fast, and the first estimate of election results released by the European Parliament sees the Greens and Liberal Renewal losing about 20 MEPs each, while the European People's Party maintains its support, despite shifting to the right. If it is less than expected.

The four-day election is the world's largest cross-border vote, with some 360 ​​million EU citizens urged to cast their votes to elect 720 members of the European Parliament.

Italy will be the last country to close the polls at 23:00 CET.

You can get the latest news and expert analysis with a special live Euronews program broadcast from the European Parliament and dig deeper into the numbers with our dedicated results page.

Opinion polls predict historic gains for far-right parties. Such an outcome could change the balance of power in the EU's only democratically elected institution, giving right-wing forces greater influence over EU policies than ever before. Also at stake is who will lead the European institutions in Brussels, including the Commission and the Council, as elections are expected to launch a race for top EU positions.

Here's a round-up to bring you up to speed:

The far-right National Rally party achieved a stunning victory in France, winning more than 31% of the votes, according to opinion polls, double the tally of the centrist Renewal Party led by President Emmanuel Macron. In response, Macron called for early elections. Opinion polls have put the center-right Christian Democratic Union (CDU) ahead in Germany and the far-right Freedom Party (FPÖ) in Austria. Dutch results. 47% of Dutch voters cast their ballots on Thursday (June 6), with the right-wing Party for Freedom emerging as the night's big winner based on opinion polls, jumping from one seat to seven. But the socialist Green coalition surprisingly gained eight seats, according to an estimate that will be confirmed this evening. The elections were marred by violence, with the Danish Prime Minister being attacked in Copenhagen on Friday evening (June 7) shortly after. Promotional event. Slovak media also published preliminary results indicating that the Socialist Liberal Progressive Party of Slovakia had outperformed Prime Minister Robert Fico's populist Smir Party.

Stay with us as our reporters bring you the latest news and results live.




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