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The political earthquakes taking place in Europe indicate geopolitical shifts

The political earthquakes taking place in Europe indicate geopolitical shifts


The European elections sent shockwaves across the continent, revealing major shifts in the political landscape and signaling potential changes in geopolitical dynamics.

The results were particularly turbulent for French President Emmanuel Macron and Green parties across Europe, especially in Germany.

The elections were particularly disastrous for Macron and his allies. Macron's pro-European coalition suffered a severe defeat, lagging far behind the far-right National Rally party led by Marine Le Pen.

With the National Front party obtaining 31.5% of the votes compared to 15.2% for Macron, the French president was forced to dissolve the National Assembly and call for early parliamentary elections, scheduled for June 30, with a second round on July 7. This step highlights the party's depth of the political crisis in France and Macron's fragile position.

Image title: Provisional results of the European Parliament elections. Source:

In Germany, the Green Party faced a major setback, losing a large part of their previous support. The party, which was once a strong advocate of aggressive climate policies and military support for Ukraine, saw its share of the vote fall sharply to 11.9%, down from 20.5% in the previous European elections.

The decline highlights growing public disillusionment with the Green New Deal and the broader Davos agenda, which many voters now reject.

A notable trend in this election is the backlash against leaders who supported military intervention in Ukraine. Macron, an outspoken supporter of arms deliveries or even the possibility of sending troops to Ukraine, has found himself on the losing end as voters increasingly oppose continuing the conflict with Russia.

These sentiments are echoed beyond France, where German voters have also turned away from parties that endorse aggressive positions toward Russia.

The election results in France have sparked discussions about possible political shifts in Germany. With the right-wing Alternative for Germany party and the newly formed left-wing nationalist BSW party making significant gains, there is increasing pressure on the German government.

Support for the AfD rose to 15.9%, and the BSW debuted with a notable 6.1%. Both parties, known for their peace-oriented policies, have benefited from the declining popularity of the Green Party and the ruling coalition.

As Germany faces upcoming state elections in the eastern regions, where the AfD and BSW are particularly strong, the potential for these parties to gain more influence looms on the horizon.

If the AfD achieves anything close to the same result in Saxony as in these European elections, the party will be close to an absolute majority and could form a German federal state government. Such an outcome could threaten the stability of Chancellor Olaf Scholz's government, which could lead to new national elections.

Immediately after the election result was announced on Sunday, the Secretary-General of the opposition Christian Democratic Union Party, Carsten Linnemann, called on Schulz to submit a vote of confidence to Parliament, which could lead to new elections if he does not receive a vote of confidence from Parliament. Parliament majority.

The electoral gains of the Alternative for Germany (AfD) and the BSW, which both call for an end to the conflict in Ukraine, point to a broader geopolitical shift. These parties, along with figures such as former US President Donald Trump, emphasize diplomacy more than military solutions.

If these political forces gain more strength, Europe may witness a major change in its approach to the Ukrainian conflict and relations with Russia.

Elon Musk's recent comments on X reflect this changing sentiment. Musk questioned the negative portrayal of the AfD, noting that its policies do not appear extreme. His statement emphasizes a broader re-evaluation of political labels and alliances in light of evolving public opinions.

The upcoming state elections in East Germany could further consolidate these trends. With the AfD already ahead in these areas, its potential victories could break up the current government coalition, triggering early national elections. Such a scenario is likely to strengthen the influence of peace-oriented parties and reduce the dominance of war advocates.

It is also striking that the AfD finished on par with the CDU among young voters. Previously, the Green Party had particular strength among young people. In the last elections, the Green Party registered 30% among young voters, but this time this percentage fell to 12%. The CDU and AfD received 17% among young voters.

Supporters of the AfD party raise their flags. Image: X Screengrab

The political earthquakes taking place in Europe are not just electoral shifts; It represents a profound reconsideration of Europe's geopolitical strategies. As traditional power structures face challenges, new alliances and priorities emerge.

The call for peace and diplomatic solutions, echoed by European and American political figures, could reshape the continent's future and its role on the global stage.

The recent European elections highlight important political realignments and emerging geopolitical shifts. The rejection of the Green New Deal and pro-war policies, coupled with the rise of pacifist-oriented parties, indicate a change in European politics.

As France and Germany navigate these turbulent waters, the outcomes will undoubtedly impact the broader geopolitical landscape, with ramifications extending far beyond the continent.




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