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The European Union elections bring the rise of the right and a “political earthquake” to France and the fall of the government

The European Union elections bring the rise of the right and a “political earthquake” to France and the fall of the government


The offer was not as good as some on the right had hoped, but it was good enough to bring down the French government and push the European Union to the right. Conservative parties saw significant gains in European Parliament seats this weekend, humiliating French President Emmanuel Macron and prompting him to call early legislative elections in a gamble to save his government. In Italy, Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni doubled her party's seats in parliament.

In Germany, despite a scandal involving candidates, the conservative Alternative for Germany party still won enough seats to overtake the left-wing Social Democrats led by Chancellor Olaf Scholz.

“The future belongs to us,” said one jubilant AfD supporter.

In France, National Rally party leader Jordan Bardella told his supporters: “The winds of hope have blown in France, and they have only just begun.”

Frank Foredi, executive director of the MCC Brussels think tank and one of the intellectual leaders of the European right, said the election result was expected because Europeans were dissatisfied with their governments.

“They fundamentally feel that the traditional parties have failed them. They want their voices to be heard. They want to be part of the conversation. They fundamentally want to have parties that talk the way they do, rather than the way the cultural community talks.” “The elites are talking,” Foredi said. “And it’s that simple.”

Foredi described the conservatives' victory in France as a “political earthquake.”

He added, “The second largest country in Europe economically and politically (France) has moved to the right, and this will have a very important impact.” He said that the shift in France, along with the Netherlands under the leadership of Geert Wilders, would serve as a force to move continental Europe to the right. “These two countries (France and the Netherlands), which are of great importance, can make a big difference in the dynamic, the political dynamics within Europe.”

The Christian Democrats, led by European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, remained by far the largest group in parliament, but the rise of the right will make it very difficult for the assembly to continue pushing unpopular climate policies and open borders.




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