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“Come with us”: The expedition explores new developments on the ocean floor of the Juan de Fuca Ridge

“Come with us”: The expedition explores new developments on the ocean floor of the Juan de Fuca Ridge


On Wednesday, June 6, Ocean Networks Canada (ONC) and the Ocean Exploration Trust departed Sydney, British Columbia on their annual 21-day expedition, where the team could be the first to lay eyes on the newly formed ocean floor.

In early March, a series of earthquakes with a magnitude of more than 200 per hour, referred to as a swarm, was detected at a depth of five kilometers and about 240 kilometers offshore Vancouver Island at the Juan de Fuca Ridge site. The magnitude of the earthquakes reached 4.1.

“Rising seismic activity in the Endeavor portion of the Juan de Fuca Ridge could be a sign of an ‘impending magma rupture,’” a statement from ONC said, citing marine seismology doctoral candidate Zoe Kraus. “A natural phenomenon that could form a new ocean floor.”

The statement continued: “As tectonic plates disintegrate, cracks form on the sea floor and are periodically filled with 800-degree Celsius magma that rises from deep within the Earth’s crust.” “The intense heat generated by the magma quickly cools once it comes into contact with cold seawater and solidifies to form new ocean crust.”

According to the statement, scientists expect this “explosion” of seismic activity to occur at the Endeavor site every 20 years.

“They expected that increased seismic activity would happen fairly soon,” said Megan Paulson, ONC mission leader. “They were on high alert.”

Paulson shared that through ONC's 800-kilometer Neptune Ocean Observatory, scientists can watch seismic sensors in real time as earthquakes occur.

“The reason they expected it, and it's not unusual to see earthquake activity in that area, is because it's basically located in an epicenter,” she said.

Once they arrive at the Endeavor site, the team will conduct visual surveys in areas where the earthquakes were concentrated to look for newly formed seafloor, Paulson said. She noted that they will also be watching to see if any of the hydrothermal vents in that area have fallen due to seismic activity.

“We have some ideas, but we don't know for sure until we get there,” Paulson said.

“Underwater earthquakes can not only topple existing sulfide towers, but they can also change the way fluids travel beneath aeration systems, altering the chemistry and temperature,” the March statement said. “Although this is not expected at Endeavor, if magma penetrates the seafloor, lava could lay atop existing vent structures, just like the seafloor in Hawaii.”

In partnership with ONC, the voyage is an initiative of the University of Victoria and the Oceans Exploration Trust (OET). This annual expedition will visit sites along the 800-kilometre ocean observatory to map the seafloor while also performing maintenance on their deep-sea science instruments, Paulson said.

The expedition plans to visit Clayoquot Slope, Middle Valley, Endeavor, Cascadia Basin and Barkley Canyon, and will be broadcast live on both the Ocean Networks Canada website and the Nautilus live site.

Paulson shared that with the expedition, OCN and OET want people to “come with us on this journey to the bottom of the ocean.”

“This mission in particular, we are facilitating ship-to-shore interactions where schools and camps, [and] “The different groups are able to interact with the crew at sea in real time,” Paulson said. “If people have questions or have an interest, while they're watching, they can really jump into the chat and engage.”

The expedition, which is expected to run until June 21, can be watched live at




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