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How battery swap networks prevent emergency power outages

How battery swap networks prevent emergency power outages


Gogoro isn't the only company working on swapping batteries for electric scooters (New York City recently launched a pilot program to give delivery drivers the option to charge this way), but it's certainly one of the most successful. Founded in 2011, the company has a network of more than 12,500 stations across Taiwan and has more than 600,000 monthly subscribers who pay to swap out and insert batteries when needed. Each station is approximately the size of two vending machines and can hold about 30 scooter batteries.

Now the company is putting the battery network to another use: Gogoro is working with Italy's Enel .

Battery swap stations work well with VPPs because they offer much more flexibility than charging at home, where an electric bike owner typically only has one or two batteries and therefore must charge as soon as one of them dies. With dozens of batteries at one station as a demand buffer, Gogoro can choose when to charge them — for example, doing so at night when power demand is lower and it's cheaper. Meanwhile, batteries can return power to the grid when they come under stress, hence the comparison to power plants.

“The nice thing is that the economic interest of the stations is aligned with the network [battery-swap companies] S says Alex Young, professor of management science at London Business: “They have an incentive to time their charging during the low usage period, paying the lower electricity price, while putting electricity back into the grid during the peak period, and enjoying the higher price.” school.

Gogoro is uniquely positioned to become a vital part of the VPP network because “there is a constant load of energy, and at the same time, we are on guard where we can either stop taking it or give it back [power] “The network is to provide stability,” Horace Locke, co-founder and CEO of GoGuru, tells MIT Technology Review.

Locke estimates that only 10% of Gogoro's batteries are actually on the road powering scooters at any given time, so the rest, sitting on shelves waiting for customers to pick up, becomes a valuable resource the network can tap into.

Today, of Gogoro's 2,500 locations, more than 1,000 are part of the VPP program. Gogoro promises that the system will automatically detect emergency situations and, in response, immediately reduce its consumption by a certain total amount.

Which stations will be included in the VPP program depends on where they are located and how much capacity they have available. A smaller station just outside a metro station – meaning high demand and low supply – may not be able to stop charging during an emergency because passengers may soon come looking for a battery. But a huge station with 120 batteries in a residential area would probably be safe to stop charging the batteries for a while.




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