European voters reject socialism and far-left policies in the European Union Parliament elections: a “political earthquake”

The results of the European Parliament elections showed that voters – in Germany and France in particular – largely reject socialism and left-wing policies.
Experts who influenced the election told Fox News Digital that the results should put President Biden's administration on notice. They said that European and American voters care largely about the same issues, namely mass immigration and border security, and the EU elections showed that voters are taking a stand against left-wing agendas that have emerged on both sides of the Atlantic.
“First, the election was a political earthquake in Europe,” Dr. Niall Gardiner, director of the Heritage Foundation's Margaret Thatcher Freedom Center, told Fox News Digital. “It was a massive rejection of the open borders, mass immigration, far-left, green agenda pushed by many European governments. It was also a statement against the also increasing centralization of the European Union. It was emphatic Euroscepticism,” they voted in many European countries, Thus, voters across Europe rejected the ruling socialist or progressive liberal elites from Germany to France to Spain… to Belgium, to the Netherlands, and so this was one of the most important electoral results in recent European history.”
“I think the Biden White House should be very concerned about what's happening across the Atlantic because the Europeans are voting on exactly the same issues that American voters are also voting on,” Gardiner said. “Security is the number one issue in America.” “What I have seen in Europe is an effective rejection of the liberal leftist ruling elites, which is of course embodied in the Biden White House. Therefore, Biden is very similar to Chancellor Schulz in Germany, and very similar to Emmanuel Macron in France. He's, you know, liberal and progressive and elitist, out of touch with the vast majority of ordinary people, and so Joe Biden must be a very nervous man right now watching what's happening in Europe.
Conservatives in Germany take first place in the European Union elections, while the momentum of the extreme right angers the leader of France
German Chancellor Olaf Scholz delivers a speech at the opening of the Ukraine Recovery Conference in Berlin on June 11, 2024. (JOHN MACDOUGALL/AFP via Getty Images)
Looking at the European election results, Dr. Alan Mendoza, founder and executive director of the Henry Jackson Society, told Fox News Digital that it's “actually much more of, say, a rejection of left-wing parties, versus say, 'You know,' an enthusiastic rush.” Towards the far right.” He said that the center right is in fact the dominant one in terms of its position within the European Union.
Gardiner seemed to agree.
“I didn't like the far-right label. Because if you look at the concerns of voters in Europe, you know, support for parties on the right and across the Atlantic, those are exactly the same concerns that American voters have as well.” “European voters who reject open borders reject the extreme green agenda, and they reject rising crime rates,” Gardiner said. They do not like the Islamization of Europe. You know, at the end of the day, the vast majority of Europeans who vote for right-wing parties, they're not extremists, they simply want to change things at home and, you know, they don't like the left-wing socialist agenda.
In Germany, the ruling coalition – the Social Democratic Party led by Chancellor Olaf Schulz – fell to third place behind the main conservative bloc, which came in first, and the country's far-right party, Alternative for Germany, which came in second place.
“So what it shows you is that the left is backing down and failing to provide answers to what European citizens are looking for. And I think the key area here is obviously, in terms of immigration. I think this is a big problem on the European continent these days,” Mendoza said. “There is a kind of loss of confidence in what the left can offer.” “I think the answer is that… it is the right-wing parties that will provide these answers in the coming years.”
French President Emmanuel Macron dissolved the National Assembly and called for early legislative elections after the Ennahdha party he leads suffered a heavy defeat in the European Union elections against the National Rally party led by Marine Le Pen. Mendoza said the move was a gamble, as the EU election is seen as a “protest vote” and now Macron is calling for national elections on the assumption that people think it is better for France versus Le Pen's party.
Marine Le Pen leaves the National Rally party headquarters in Paris on June 10, 2024, after a meeting with Marion Maréchal and Jordan Bardella, the day after the European Parliament elections. (Adnan Farzat/Noor Photo via Getty Images)
Macron calls for early legislative elections after the party's resounding defeat in the European Union vote
“Political changes in Europe can have a big impact on America as well. Look at the Brexit vote in 2016, in the UK before Donald Trump won the election that year, you know. What happens in Europe matters in America too. “Because at the end of the day, European and American voters are not very different in terms of what they care about,” Gardiner noted. “They overwhelmingly don’t like, you know, the extreme green agenda. And they don't like, you know, the left's attempt to subvert Western culture and civilization.”
Matt Moyers, a founding board member of the European American Forum, said the nonprofit conducted a poll in May that found a majority of EU voters “do not believe the European Union is moving in the right direction under its current left-wing leadership.” He added that the survey also found that “Europeans have serious concerns about illegal immigration, skyrocketing costs of living, increasing government surveillance, and excessive regulations.”
“The EU election results prove that our data was right on the money,” Mowers, who served in former President Trump's administration, told Fox News Digital. “Europeans are fed up with the status quo in the EU. Voters have sent a decisive message to global elites in Brussels: Europeans do not want the far-left agenda imposed on them for decades. Change is coming.”
Demonstrators take part in an “anti-fascist march” after the European election results in Toulouse on June 10, 2024. President Emmanuel Macron said he was confident French voters would make the “right choice” in early elections he called after the far right crushed his party. The Center Alliance in the European Union elections on Sunday. (Ed Jones/AFP via Getty Images)
He added, “Europe is waking up and wants change in the European Union.” “Voters decisively rejected the EU's far-left ideology in the recent European Parliament elections. This should frighten and alarm the American left. In November, American voters will also reject the push for open borders, reckless spending, and unfettered politics. The organization that the leftists They push it in the United States.”
“The right has risen across Europe, after years of rule by the left,” Thomas Corbett Dillon, a former adviser to former Prime Minister Boris Johnson, told Fox News Digital. “President Macron suspended Parliament in panic after the majority of France voted for so-called ‘far-right’ parties, in a clear rejection of his left-wing agenda of uncontrolled immigration.”
Corbett Dillon added: “In the UK, we see Nigel Farage leading the campaign against the Conservative Party, and Geert Wilders leading the fight in the Netherlands.” Although the United Kingdom notably left the European Union.
He added, “Right-wingers are on the rise across Europe, and they showed today that they enjoy the support of the people.” “The left-wing media continues to refer to the real conservative movement as far-right, when in reality, ordinary patriotic men and women who believe in their nation's future are labeled as far-right. The current governments in Europe should be labeled far left for what they have allowed to happen to Europe.”
Fox News' Ben Ivansky contributed to this report.
Danielle Wallace is a reporter with Fox News Digital and covers politics, crime, police and more. Story tips can be sent to [email protected] and on Twitter: @danimwallace.
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