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Explaining why they are rare locally but can cause damage elsewhere

Explaining why they are rare locally but can cause damage elsewhere


BISMARCK, N.D. (KFYR) – North Dakotans typically don't need to worry about earthquakes thanks to our stable geology, but we've had a few minor earthquakes in our history.

North Dakota and Florida are at the top of the list of states with the fewest earthquakes.

Probability of a minor or larger damaging earthquake within 100 years (USGS)

“We are as far away as you can get from any active plate boundaries or fault systems like the San Andreas in California. And secondly, we are in some of the oldest geology and the oldest rocks that have ever been found on the North American continent in our deep formations,” said Fred Anderson, a geologist with the US Geological Survey. North Dakota: “This puts us in a very stable position.”

However, minor, non-destructive earthquakes of magnitude three or less occur about once every decade in the state, and 13 earthquakes have been reported since the early 1900s. The strongest was a 4.4 magnitude earthquake near Hove in 1968.

North Dakota Earthquakes (KFYR)

“We know of some small faults that exist in the deep interior of the Earth, which is what we call the basement of North Dakota,” Anderson said.

Looking below the surface of North Dakota's rock layers, hydraulic fracturing can occur without causing earthquakes.

Lithostratigraphy of North Dakota (North Dakota Geological Survey)

“We're fortunate with our geology that we're stimulating the Bakken Formation roughly in the middle of the geological column to get our oil and gas resources. So, we're not messing with or stimulating the basement rocks where a lot of tectonic stresses have built up over time. And elsewhere in the country, this is where In which they encounter problems related to motivational or production activities.

Hydraulic fracturing (North Dakota Geological Survey)

“Oil and gas operations play a role in triggering most of the earthquakes in Oklahoma and Texas now, and not all of them are minor,” said Thomas Pratt, a research geophysicist and central and eastern region coordinator for the USGS Earthquake Hazards Program. reconnaissance.

Damage used to be used to determine the strength of an earthquake, but now seismometers always record.

“In the 1960s, it became really popular to have a lot of seismometers. At that point, we could measure that because we could measure the amount of ground motion we were getting,” Pratt said.

The energy released in a typical earthquake in North Dakota is equivalent to a large lightning bolt, while major earthquakes can have the energy equivalent of atomic bombs causing catastrophic damage.

Relative magnitude of earthquake energy radiated as seismic waves (North Dakota Geological Survey)

While scientists can identify areas with the best chance of an earthquake occurring, it is nearly impossible to predict when it will occur due to complex trigger mechanisms.

The complete Morse code clip for the weather:

Morse Weather Code: Why earthquakes are so rare in ND; Explaining the most common locations and their causes




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