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The European electoral earthquake may show that voters are fed up with far-left government

The European electoral earthquake may show that voters are fed up with far-left government


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The recent European Union parliamentary elections were a massive political earthquake.

Across the continent, and in almost every country, power has shifted away from institutional politicians and towards populist parties.

EU voters in 27 countries have expressed concern about illegal immigration, hard-line Islamization, a weak European economy, and an aggressive and authoritarian bureaucracy in Brussels.

The French far right seeks an alliance with the conservatives after a stunning victory in the European Parliament

In France, for example, the current government has been so decisively disavowed that President Emmanuel Macron dissolved the legislature and called new elections this summer. After two generations of efforts by National Rally President Marine Le Pen and her father, Jean-Marie Le Pen (who led the party from 1972 to 2011), the conservative National Rally won twice as many seats as Macron's party.

Marine Le Pen leaves the National Rally party headquarters in Paris on June 10, 2024, after a meeting with Marion Maréchal and Jordan Bardella, the day after the European Parliament elections. (Adnan Farzat/Noor Photo via Getty Images)

In the upcoming French special election, Le Pen's party will likely elect its first prime minister, which would turn Macron into a lame duck with limited powers.

The German establishment was completely rejected. The German Social Democratic Party fell to 13% of the vote, its smallest share in modern history. The Green Party has found itself losing young voters to right-wing populist parties. People began calling on Chancellor Olaf Scholz to follow Macron's lead and call for new elections.

In Italy, Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni and her Brotherhood of Italy party continued to gain support. It doubled its share of Italy's seats in the European Union Parliament. Meloni stands out as a strong voice against Brussels-centric politics in Europe. She is Catholic, originally conservative on social issues, and determined to control Italy's borders. Her popularity continues to grow, and she is one of the fastest rising figures in European politics.

In Spain, the ruling leftists were defeated by 50% to 43% by the conservatives. It was a clear rebuke to the left's failed policies on the economy, immigration, and Catalan and Basque separatist movements – which would dismantle modern Spain if they succeeded.

One major pattern has been the decline of various green parties. In Germany, the Green Party has been a major force in adopting crazy economic policies that harm ordinary people and achieve next to nothing on climate. There, the Green Party's popularity fell from 20% in the last EU parliamentary elections to just 12% this year. Across Europe, the Green Party's representation fell from 71 to 53 seats.

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The British Conservative Party (the ruling institution in Britain) is suffering from a similar decline outside of the European Union parliamentary elections. After 14 years in power, Britain's Conservative Party is heading towards what may be its worst performance in more than 100 years. Again, the issues are similar. People are disturbed by immigration, increasing radical Islamization, economic decline, social policies that violate traditional values ​​and rising crime rates.

It will be interesting to see what President Joe Biden learned from having dinner with Macron, where French voters were decisively rejecting the French leader. The same establishment-left policies that are at the heart of the Biden administration have been disavowed almost everywhere in Europe — and often by a narrow margin.

In Italy, Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni and her Brotherhood of Italy party continued to gain support. It doubled its share of Italy's seats in the European Union Parliament. Meloni stands out as a strong voice against Brussels-centric politics in Europe.

The reaction of the European media is similar to that of the American left-wing propaganda media. I have tried to avoid understanding the populist movement. Pundits, broadcasters, and editors have caricatured populist leaders. They attack anyone who believes illegal immigration is wrong or resists the imposition of multiculturalism on them. Now many of these views will be represented in the EU Parliament.

To be clear, EU parliamentary elections take place every five years, and are often marked by protest votes. Parliament is relatively weak in setting government policies in Brussels, so voters can express themselves without risking serious damage to the system. However, the scale of the populist vote and the rejection of the ruling centre-left coalitions has been so decisive that it could be a signal of big changes to come.


To be sure, this European earthquake was more like Donald Trump's vision of a new path forward than the Biden establishment's vision of maintaining the status quo.

The upcoming special elections in France will be a major test. This will indicate whether this earthquake is a temporary jolt to the system – or the beginning of a profound new era in European politics.

Click here to read more from Newt Gingrich

Click here to read more from Calista Gingrich

Newt Gingrich was Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives from 1995 to 1999 and a candidate for the Republican Party's presidential nomination in 2012. He is Chairman of Gingrich 360.

Calista L. Gingrich is a former United States ambassador to the Vatican.




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