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Gavi to increase access to life-saving human rabies vaccines in more than 50 countries: Gavi, WHO and UAR

Gavi to increase access to life-saving human rabies vaccines in more than 50 countries: Gavi, WHO and UAR


Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, in collaboration with partners, announces support for human rabies vaccines for post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) as part of routine immunization. Eligible countries receive directing on how to access these vaccines under Gavi's co-financing policy. The first round of applications will be accepted by mid-July 2024. Ninety-five percent of human deaths from rabies occur in Africa and Asia, most often in marginalized communities that lack access to care.

This development complements ongoing global efforts Campaign zero for 30led by United Against Rabies partners including the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the World Health Organization (WHO) and the World Organization for Animal Health (WOAH, formerly OIE) with the goal of eliminating human rabies caused by dogs by 2030.

“This commitment from Gavi is critical and will accelerate efforts to stop human deaths caused by dog ​​rabies,” said Dr. Jérôme Salomon, Assistant Director-General for Universal Health Coverage, Communicable and Noncommunicable Diseases at WHO.. “WHO will provide technical assistance to countries, not only to support their requests for Gavi funding, but also to put together comprehensive action plans that can deliver real progress towards the Zero by 30 goal.”

In more than 150 countries where canine rabies remains a serious public health problem, supplies of rabies vaccine in the public health system are often very limited, especially in marginalized communities. Where human rabies vaccine is available in private facilities, the cost of PEP can impose a catastrophic financial burden on families and communities.

“Gavi's goal with this program is to contribute to global rabies efforts and save lives by helping countries ensure that human rabies vaccines are available to everyone who needs them and that vulnerable and marginalized communities have equal access to these essential medicines,” said Aurélia Nguyen, Gavi Program Manager, Vaccine Alliance.

Rabies is a viral disease that causes severe inflammation of the brain. In 99% of cases, it is transmitted to humans by a rabid dog. When the virus reaches the central nervous system and the infected person shows clinical symptoms, rabies infection occurs near 100% lethal.

The deadly nature of rabies and its traumatic symptoms make it one of the most feared diseases in the world. However, rabies infection can be prevented by prompt PEP, which consists of thoroughly washing the wound, giving a series of high-quality human rabies vaccines and immunoglobulin if needed.

Gavi initially agreed to include human rabies vaccines for PEP in its Vaccine Investment Strategy 2021-25, but the COVID-19 pandemic led to the program being delayed until mid-2023, when Gavi's board decided to restart it.

“Gavi's investment is extremely important and supports a key pillar of the global strategy to stop people dying from this terrible disease,” he said. Professor Lucille Blumberg, President of United Against Rabies. “But to completely stop human deaths from rabies, we urgently need better data and surveillance, the dog population needs to be vaccinated, and people need to be educated about what to do if bitten and how to avoid being bitten. Stopping human deaths from rabies is within our reach, but it will take multiple sectors working together to achieve it.”

All Gavi-eligible countries can apply for support to invest in human rabies vaccines for PEP. Funds will be available for the purchase of vaccines and related supplies. Rabies Immune Globulins (RIG) and dog vaccines are not covered by this program. Countries do not need to have a national rabies control plan to apply for the first round of multi-year funding, but a national plan will be mandatory for all subsequent applications.

Applications for funding will be accepted by Gavi in ​​2024 until 15 July and until 23 September 2024, with subsequent funding deadlines opening three times each year.




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