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Mount St. Helens has been rocked by hundreds of small earthquakes since February

Mount St. Helens has been rocked by hundreds of small earthquakes since February


A look back at the catastrophic 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens in Washington—the most destructive volcanic eruption in U.S. history—and the events that led up to it.

Mount St. HELENS, Wash. – Hundreds of small earthquakes have occurred under Washington state's Mount St. Helens since the beginning of February, but the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) says there's nothing to worry about.

The US Geological Survey said the Pacific Northwest Seismic Network has reported about 350 earthquakes under the volcano since the beginning of February. Most of them were so small that no one felt them.

About 95% of the earthquakes were less than magnitude 1.0, and the peak of seismic activity at the dormant volcano was reported in early June with 38 earthquakes per week.

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“Eruption is not imminent”

The USGS said the quakes were recorded at a depth of about 3.5 miles below sea level, or about 4.6 miles below the Mount St. Helens crater.

So, what causes earthquakes? The USGS says this may be due to the arrival of additional magma during a process called recharging.

“Recharging has been observed in the past at Mount St. Helens and other volcanoes,” the USGS said in a post on X, previously Twitter. “It could happen for many years without an eruption.”

Mount St. Helen's eruption: Survivors recount 'darker than midnight' fury in 1980

Mount St. Helens eruption survivor Chris Ballew, who was 14 at the time of the eruption, recounts being caught in a huge cloud of volcanic ash. The explosion killed 57 people and spewed 520 million tons of ash across the country.

And the USGS doesn't seem too concerned about the recent spike in seismic activity on Mount St. Helens. The agency said there was no change in risk as a result of the seismic activity, and there were no changes in Mount St. Helens monitoring parameters, such as ground deformation, gases or thermal emissions.

“An eruption is not imminent,” the USGS said.

As part of FOX Weather Channel's Storm Survivors series, we're taking a look at the stories told by those who managed to survive nature's most significant events.

Mount St. Helens exploded into life on May 18, 1980, erupting violently, spewing towering clouds carrying 520 million tons of ash that choked the sky with gravel and darkness and claimed the lives of 57 people in what remains the world's largest volcanic eruption. American history.

David Johnston at Coldwater 2, 1900 hours, May 17, 1980. Dave did not survive the next day's eruption. Coldwater II would eventually be renamed “Johnston Ridge” in Dave's honor.

(Harry Glicken/USGS)

Among the dead was David Johnston, of the US Geological Survey, who was at the observation site on the day of the disaster. He frantically radioed a warning – “Vancouver! Vancouver! This is it!”

The message was not heard in Vancouver, but the message was heard and recorded by a ham radio operator.




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