The report says there were 806 fewer earthquakes in the Yellowstone region in 2023 than the previous year. • Idaho Capital Sun
Every year since 2017, the Yellowstone Volcano Observatory has summarized annual geologic activity — earthquakes, ground deformation, geyser explosions, etc. — and research efforts and results in a series of annual reports. In these products, you can find information about the numbers of seismic swarms in a given year, advances in geological mapping and the history of Yellowstone's deposits, and even thermal emissions from Yellowstone National Park as detected by satellites.
We are pleased to announce that the 2023 Annual Report has just been published and is now freely available online at https://pubs.usgs.gov/publication/cir1524. As usual, the summary highlights monitoring data collected throughout the year. For example, there were 1,623 earthquakes in the region in 2023, the largest of which was a magnitude 3.7 earthquake. This number of earthquakes is down from the 2,429 earthquakes identified in 2022 and the 2,773 earthquakes that occurred in 2021.
Yellowstone National Park allows year-round fishing along the Madison and Gardner Rivers
In 2023, there will be 24 earthquake swarms, which are groups of earthquakes clustered together in space and time. The most significant swarm of the year occurred a few miles southeast of West Yellowstone, Montana, in mid-March, and included 138 juveniles.
As has been the trend since 2015, the Yellowstone caldera retreated by 1-2 inches over the course of the year, interrupted during the summer months due to a pause or minimal rise due to seasonal changes in groundwater conditions and snowmelt. A slightly larger deformation has been detected in the Norris Geyser Basin area since 2018.
Thermal emissions did not show any significant changes compared to previous years. Park-wide heat production estimates measured by thermal infrared satellite data indicated approximately 2.0 GW of geothermal radiant energy production, with the Norris Geyser basin ranking first among geyser basins in Yellowstone National Park in terms of heat emissions. The total amount of chloride measured in Yellowstone's rivers — an indicator of the amount of thermal water released by geysers and hot springs — was also similar to that in previous years.
Geyser activity in Yellowstone National Park remained interesting and unpredictable in 2023. The geyser erupted nine times during the year, the lowest number of annual eruptions since the current eruption cycle began in 2018.
The giant geyser, in the Upper Geyser Basin, erupted for the first time since 2019. Also in the Upper Geyser Basin, the stretch of boardwalk on Geyser Hill between Sponge and Aurum Geysers was closed in late May 2023 due to reactivation of the ancient geyser and formation. Of the new thermal features, some spray debris and hot water onto the boardwalk. This activity is similar to what occurred in the same area in 2018 and is an example of the dynamic nature of Yellowstone's geyser systems. Activity declined in June and July, and the trail reopened in August.
To monitor and perhaps better predict changes in Yellowstone National Park's hydrothermal system, Yellowstone Volcano Observatory scientists have installed the first observing site specifically dedicated to tracking geyser and hot spring activity. The station was installed in the Ragged Hills region of the Norris Geyser Basin in September 2023 and includes a broadband seismometer, meteorological sensors, a continuous GPS device, and an ultrasound array.
Infrasound refers to low-frequency sound waves, inaudible to humans, that can indicate activity associated with geysers, volcanic eruptions, meteorite impacts, nuclear explosions, and other natural and human-caused processes. The sensors have already paid off, pinpointing multiple Steamboat Geyser explosions and detecting localized small earthquakes in the Norris area.
This infographic provides seismic, deformation, thermal emissions, and geyser statistics for the Yellowstone region for 2023. The graphic accompanies the Yellowstone Volcano Observatory 2023 Annual Report, which is freely available online at https://pubs.usgs.gov/publication/cir1524. (Courtesy of Yellowstone Caldera Records)
Geological research has also advanced across a range of topics. It is worth noting that in 2023, work will be completed to determine the history of the lava flows that erupted between 160,000 and 70,000 years ago.
The results showed that multiple lava flows were active during five distinct episodes, changing the way we think about these eruptions. Rather than lava flow activity that spread out over time, it is possible that there were multiple lava flows occurring at the same time within the Yellowstone Caldera.
In addition, geologists from the Wyoming State Geological Survey and the Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology have begun a study of the East Gallatin-Rhys Creek fault system, which runs north-south across the northwestern portion of Yellowstone National Park, near Mammoth Hot Springs, which generated Strong earthquakes over the past several thousand years.
2024 is expected to be a similarly productive year for the Yellowstone Volcano Observatory, with a number of monitoring station upgrades and geological research projects already underway.
Stay tuned to the Yellowstone Caldera Records for details on the latest geological activities and research results.
Yellowstone Volcano Observatory Annual Report 2023
Yellowstone Caldera Chronicles is a weekly column written by scientists and collaborators at the Yellowstone Volcano Observatory.
Sources 2/ https://idahocapitalsun.com/2024/06/20/there-were-806-fewer-earthquakes-in-the-yellowstone-region-in-2023-than-prior-year-report-says/ The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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