Orlando Church helps victims of Beirut bombing
ORLANDO, FLORIDA – After the massive explosion rocked the Lebanese capital Beirut and left more than 130 people dead and thousands injured, a church in downtown Orlando is doing its part to deliver much-needed aid to those affected.
Father John Hamate, pastor of St. George Orthodox Church in Orlando, said, “If the international community doesn’t help, I don’t see how they will rebuild it because the economy is collapsing.” We will not send aid packages of clothes and food. There is a lot of food in Lebanon, no money. Please, if you have any feeling that people are sending money. We need money to send it to them. “
Since the explosion, my mother-in-law has watched closely how to help the Middle Eastern country, a place close to his heart that he has visited since 1971.
“I go there every year, okay.” The New Yorker said, almost crying.
His love for Lebanon comes from his forefathers who immigrated to the United States before he was born.
“It’s tragic and you know what? Sorry, I got emotional, but Beirut, you know, was known as the Paris of the Middle East. If anyone goes to Beirut, they’ll know what I’m talking about.”
A city close to his heart is now destroyed by a powerful explosion that left over 100 dead and thousands wounded. Houses and churches are flattened.
“We have the only Orthodox hospital in the world, Saint George’s Hospital in Beirut on par with the Mayo Clinic. I mean, it’s rattling, 70% of it ruined. “I felt it at Cypress 150 miles away. I felt it in Amman, Jordan that over 200 people was like an earthquake.”
After the blast, he received photos of what was after the explosion from inside the Saint Nicholas Orthodox Church in Beirut – debris everywhere in a country on the verge of a financial crisis. My mother-in-law is now collecting donations for the victims.
“Our diocese is collecting money. We have 350 parishioners in America, so they are all collecting money to send it and it will go directly to Beirut. The Orthodox Church is not denominational; we do not give money only to members of our faith.” “It’s a beautiful city, it’s a great place to go. The landscapes, people from all different backgrounds. It’s really a tragedy and I pray that they can rebuild.”
To make a donation, my mother-in-law asks to mail a check to St. George Orthodox Church 24 N. Rosalind Ave., Orlando, 32801 and be sure to write it in the notes line “Beirut”.
A memorial service will be held on Sunday at ten in the morning in honor of the victims of Beirut.
Copyright 2020 by WKMG ClickOrlando – All rights reserved.
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