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Here are some safety tips to remember – Deseret News

Here are some safety tips to remember – Deseret News


If you've ever been woken up by an earthquake before, you'll know it's not fun.

For Utahns, it happened a little more than four years ago, when a sudden 5.7 earthquake shook Salt Lake City around 7 a.m.

For Los Angeles residents, it was around 5 a.m. on Monday.

According to the Los Angeles Times, what was originally reported was that a 3.2 magnitude earthquake shook the East Side and San Gabriel Valley.

The earthquake was weak enough that no damage was recorded, although residents may have felt minor tremors in “East Los Angeles, Alhambra, Monterey Park, and South Pasadena.”

It was later reported that the earthquake had a magnitude of 2.9.

Where were the California earthquakes?

Within two hours on Monday morning, four different earthquakes struck California, according to USA Today.

“Highland Park, a neighborhood in Los Angeles, and Cobb, which is 41.5 miles northwest of Napa Valley, both felt the 3.2 magnitude quake,” according to USA Today.

“The earthquake recorded by Walker, which is located near the Nevada-California border, had a magnitude of 2.8, while the quake that occurred near Idyllwild, located 109 southeast of Los Angeles, had a magnitude of 2.6.”

There were no immediate reports of damage or injuries as a result of the earthquake, according to Fox Weather.

How can I protect myself from earthquakes?

Earthquakes are common in California, with an estimated 30 earthquakes per day, according to NBC Los Angeles. While most are too small to be felt, Los Angeles has a 31% chance of experiencing an earthquake of magnitude 7.5 or greater.

California State University San Marcos offered some earthquake safety tips:

“Drop, dive, and hold on.” Get under a sturdy, stable surface. If there isn't one, sit against a wall and cover your head. Avoid tall buildings. If the glass shatters, it may get caught in the wind and cause injury. If the earthquake occurs while you are in bed, stay put and cover your head and neck with a pillow. Stay away from mirrors, windows, hanging objects, heavy objects and tall furniture that could fall on top of you. Do not use the elevator during an earthquake. If you are outside, stay in a clear area, avoiding power lines and trees. If you are in a car or while driving, pull to the side of the road and stop. Don't stand under the “overhead hazards”.

There are some safety measures to remember when the earthquake stops. CSUSM says to first check those around you for injuries or trauma. If someone is injured, perform first aid. Do not move a seriously injured person unless there is “immediate danger.”

In addition, note whether dangerous conditions exist. If there are fires or downed power lines, get to safety. Turn off the gas if there is an unpleasant smell. “Inspect your home for damage,” and if there is a small fire inside, put it out immediately.

The American Red Cross also advises people to prepare for earthquakes by keeping an emergency kit on hand and knowing first aid skills, such as CPR. Keep supplies like food, water, and medications organized in a kit you can grab.

According to the American Red Cross, “Stock in sturdy shoes to protect your feet from glass, one of the most common earthquake injuries. Also include a flashlight, glasses, a dust mask, and a whistle.”

Consider keeping a backup of your personal financial or medical records. Make paper copies so you can access them in case of an emergency.

“After the shaking stops, experts encourage you to remain calm and prepare for subsequent shocks,” according to NBC Los Angeles.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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