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WKC presents on Disaster Risk Management at the World Bank Global Forum

WKC presents on Disaster Risk Management at the World Bank Global Forum


Disaster risk management is a national priority in Japan, and its importance is increasing worldwide due to natural hazards and the impacts of climate change. With the 30th anniversary of the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake in 2025, the World Bank hosted the 8th Risk Understanding Forum in Himeji, Japan, which suffered significant damage from the 1995 earthquake.

The WHO Centre for Development (WHO Kobe Centre – WKC) coordinates major projects on health emergencies and disaster risk management (health EDRM). As an international expert in the field, Dr Ryoma Kayano, Technical Lead of WKC, was invited to participate in the Forum and presented a session on “Building the evidence base for disaster risk management in the health sector: tools and approaches”. Most countries are likely to face health emergencies that can increase mortality and morbidity, disrupt essential health services and damage infrastructure.

“Conducting research on EDRM in health generates data and evidence for learning lessons and making evidence-based decisions. This helps countries become proactive rather than reactive. This means understanding and managing risks proactively, adapting and aligning core capacities to protect health from specific threats to manage all risks, and building resilient societies through leadership, capacity and collaboration,” said Dr. Kiano.

“For example, from data and evidence from the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011, we know that the health consequences of evacuation include indirect death due to deep vein thrombosis, and living in temporary housing can further exacerbate non-communicable diseases and cognitive impairment. With this in mind, Research studies have indicated actions such as encouraging community participation in sports or hobbies to reduce depression and mitigate cognitive impairment after a disaster.

The WHO Center in Kobe is the secretariat of the WHO Risk and Environmental Management Research Network of more than 380 experts from 58 countries, and facilitates global and regional research and collaborative activities. The Center also issued a guide for research methods in the field of health research before, during and after emergencies and disasters. Practical guidance for policy makers, implementers and scientists is being developed to strengthen research for evidence-based decision-making.

The WHO Kobe Center conducts health research on and promotes uptake of environmental risk and response management (EDRM) to ensure that more people are better protected from the health impacts of emergencies and disasters. This is one of the three main priorities of the 13th and 14th Global Programs of Action of the World Health Organization – to protect an additional billion people from health emergencies.




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