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The earthquake that struck Germany during the night was felt in large areas of Switzerland


The earthquake was recorded in Germany, about 18 kilometers northwest of Laufenburg in the canton of Aargau (pictured), shortly after 3 a.m. Keystone / Georgios Kefalas

A 4.2-magnitude earthquake was felt across Switzerland in the early hours of Thursday, the Swiss Seismological Service reported.

This content was published on June 27, 2024 – 10:48

The quake was recorded in Germany, about 18 kilometres (11 miles) northwest of Laufenburg in the canton of Aargau, shortly after 3 a.m., according to the organization's website. The seismic monitoring service said in response to a query from the Keystone-SDA news agency that more than 1,200 reports had been received overnight.

In some cases, the earthquake was detected up to 100 kilometers from its epicenter. It is sometimes possible for minor damage to occur near the epicenter of an earthquake of this size.

+ Read more: How the Swiss Seismological Service is trying to predict earthquakes in real time

The Seismological Authority added that the last noticeable earthquake in this region, with a magnitude of 3.1, was recorded in 2018. It said that earthquakes are not unusual in this region.

In Switzerland, around 1,000 earthquakes are recorded each year as the number of seismometers increases. This year, there were already 866.

Adapted from German by DeepL/kp

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