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Strong earthquake triggers tsunami warnings

Strong earthquake triggers tsunami warnings


A strong earthquake struck an area near the coast of Peru early Friday morning, triggering a tsunami warning for the region and injuring at least five people, according to the country's Ministry of Health.

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The 7.2-magnitude quake struck outside Arequipa, Peru's second-most populous city, at about 12:36 a.m. local time, and is the strongest in this part of Peru in more than 23 years, according to a report by Volcano Discovery. . This event prompted the country's National Tsunami Warning Center to issue an alert indicating a “possible” tsunami, and its American counterpart estimated that waves could reach between one and three meters above tide level along certain parts of the Peruvian coast. An update from the Peruvian Navy's Directorate of Hydrography and Navigation indicated that the threat had passed.

“So far no tsunami has been reported, most likely because this earthquake was very small and did not offset the seafloor by a significant amount,” Sam Wimpenny, a geology and tectonics expert at the University of Bristol in the UK, told Newsweek.

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The Peruvian government said on X, formerly known as Twitter, that it was monitoring the situation and determining “measures to be taken.”

Newsweek reached out to a representative of the Peruvian government via email for comment.

The US Geological Survey recorded two smaller aftershocks, whose magnitude ranged between 4.4 and 4.9.

A screenshot from the USGS shows the location of the 7.2 magnitude earthquake that struck Peru on the morning of June 28. The blue circle is the earthquake and the red lines show the tectonic plates. A screenshot from the USGS shows the location of the 7.2 magnitude earthquake that struck Peru on the morning of June 28. The blue circle is the earthquake and the red lines show the tectonic plates. USGS

There were reports from local officials of damage to homes and buildings, but no deaths, according to Reuters.

Reuters reported that the seismic activity also led to the disruption of electricity and communications in areas near the epicenter. “Electricity and telephones were cut off in several locations close to the epicenter,” said Ricardo Guillén, a representative of the National Emergency Operations Center.

Peru's Ministry of Transport and Communications said it had activated emergency protocols and was “monitoring the status of roads, ports, airports and telecommunications services in the area.”

Wimpini explained that landslides are a common secondary hazard to earthquakes and often pose a greater danger to the public than the earthquake itself.

The US Geological Survey said the estimated economic losses from the quake were less than 1 percent of Peru's $268 billion gross domestic product.

Peru's National Police Service issued earthquake safety tips for X-Day, including what to pack in an emergency backpack and evacuation routes. Wimbini said residents were relatively lightly affected by the quake.

Earthquakes are common in Peru, as the country is located in the seismically active zone known as the Pacific Ring of Fire.

This area, where tectonic plates meet, experiences frequent seismic activity, including earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. “Along the plate boundary between South America and the Pacific Ocean, there is an earthquake of about 7 magnitude every year, so this event is not unusual,” Wimpini, an expert in geology and tectonics at Bristol, told Newsweek. “There has been no significant change in seismic rates recently.” With a magnitude of 7 that we can detect.”

On average, Peru experiences about 513 earthquakes a year, according to the Earthquake List.

Update, June 28, 2024, 7:36 a.m. ET: This article has been updated with additional commentary.

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