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Biden cannot survive this career-ending earthquake — and shame on those who led him into this disaster.

Biden cannot survive this career-ending earthquake — and shame on those who led him into this disaster.


I will never forget my first earthquake.

I was staying at the Beverly Wilshire Hotel in Los Angeles in 2009, and one night at 8:30 p.m., my suite started shaking violently.

Chairs flew around the room; The minibar shook violently, then exploded, sending bottles flying; My clothes fell out of the closet; For twenty seconds, it felt like the world was about to end.

The whole experience was so traumatic for me that it took me hours to get over it and I barely slept.

Donald Trump speaks during a presidential debate with President Biden, in Atlanta, Georgia, on June 27, 2024. REUTERS President Biden during a debate with Donald Trump on June 27, 2024. Jack Gruber-USA TODAY

The US presidential debate between President Biden and former President Donald Trump had much the same effect on me, but its ramifications are likely to be much deeper.

This was not just a car accident or a train wreck, as some say.

It was a political earthquake on a biblical level.

This earthquake lasted for only 16 seconds.

That's how long it took Joe Biden to show terrified Americans, and a watching world, that he was no longer fit to serve as President of the United States.

Piers Morgan says the debate between Presidents Biden and Trump had the same effect on him, but the repercussions are likely to be much deeper. Getty Images

His rambling, illogical, and hesitant attempt to explain what he would do about the out-of-control illegal immigration crisis he helped fuel was painful enough.

But Trump's response was the fatal bullet.

“I don't really know what he said at the end of that sentence,” the former president said with unusual calm. “I don't think he knows what he said either.”

The response was devastating, because it was what we were all thinking.

From that moment, which came just minutes into the 90-minute debate, Biden was a dead man walking, figuratively and, unfortunately, almost literally.

I say this with sadness because no one wants to see an old man humiliated live on television in front of tens of millions of people.

It was so painful to watch that I felt the same sharp pangs of nagging anxiety that I felt when I experienced that actual earthquake 15 years ago.

They should have stopped the discussion right then and there.

It would have been the kind, humane thing to do.

But of course, it continued, and Biden stumbled like a man with senile dementia running away from his caregiver — and got lost in a hospital corridor.

Trump didn't even have to work hard to win.

In fact, I've never seen him more reserved.

Piers Morgan says Biden has shown Americans that he is “no longer fit to serve as president of the United States.” Reuters

He was very respectful even to CNN's debate moderators, Jake Tapper and Dana Bash, who I thought did an excellent job with a revised debate format — featuring mute buttons and no audience — that was very effective in exposing the brutal reality of this race.

Trump's confused, half-smiling facial expressions as Biden exploded into a staccato, monotonous, drone-like verbal diarrhea said it all.

At one point, it seemed as if the Republican candidate felt a modicum of sympathy for his opponent.

We've all done it, haven't we?

Trump defended his views against President Biden during the presidential debate on June 27. AFP via Getty Images

Regardless of political differences, this was a very sad moment for America.

This was a stunning, startling public confirmation of what many of us have been repeating for the past year: Joe Biden, mentally and physically, is a failure.

Honestly, there were more than one times where I would hold my head in my hands or want to run and hide behind my couch, and this was the traumatic scene unfolding before our eyes.

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And just so there is no doubt about what we witnessed, CNN's reaction program after the debate confirmed that it was a political burn.

Seeing my former colleagues like John King and Van Jones, and great Democrats like David Axelrod, lining up to denounce it as an unmitigated disaster was truly astonishing given how brutally critical they have been of Trump for so long.

But what can they say?

For years, Biden supporters have been desperately trying to pretend he isn’t the man we’ve all seen constantly fall, freeze, or slur.

Morgan says he's never seen Trump more conservative than he was during the debate. AP

Just two weeks ago, when Barack Obama was seen at a fundraiser taking his former vice president's wrist to lead him off stage, she posted on X: “It's so embarrassing. The Democrats can't let this continue, can they?”

My view was shared by the American billionaire hedge fund tycoon, Bill Ackman, who responded to me by saying: “The Democratic Party is destroying itself by advancing Biden for a second term.” These are the Emperor's new clothes in real life. But it's not a children's book or a joke. The world is in great danger, and a second Biden term poses a serious threat to global security and prosperity.

This angered another billionaire businessman, Mark Cuban, who angrily lashed out at us: “You are both so caught up in trying to appease your Twitter followers that you have lost all objectivity.”

He then insisted that Biden is no more weak than Trump because of his advanced age.

“No one wants to see an old man insulted live on TV like this in front of tens of millions of people,” Morgan writes of Biden. AFP via Getty Images

“I think Bill and I are more concerned with reality than you seem, Mr. Cuban,” I replied.

He replied: “What matters to me is the ability to understand and deal with concepts, strategy… and having leadership skills, even if you do it from a rocking chair.”

Well, it has now been proven beyond a reasonable doubt that both Bill Ackman and I were right, and that Mark Cuban was embarrassingly delusional.

What you should know about the planned debates between President Biden and former President Trump: President Biden and former President Donald Trump have tentatively agreed to two presidential debates ahead of the November 5 election. Biden released a video asking Trump to “make my day, my friend” and debate him. The president noted that Trump had previously requested a debate “anytime, anyplace, anywhere.” Trump accepted Biden's challenge and wrote on Truth Social that he would be open to holding more debates with large, live crowds. CNN will host the first debate at its corporate headquarters in Atlanta at 9pm EST on Thursday, June 27. There will be no live audience, and coordinators will be announced later. ABC News will host the second debate on Tuesday, September 10. The Commission on Presidential Debates — which has organized the debates since the 1988 election — will not participate in either debate. Independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy was not invited. Kennedy Jr. to join the debates. Kennedy accused the other candidates of “colluding” to keep him out of events.

Frankly, I don't trust Joe Biden to even sit in a rocking chair without falling out of it, let alone put the fingers of the presumptive Commander-in-Chief anywhere near a nuclear trigger.

Shame on First Lady Jill Biden because she did not intervene earlier to save her husband from himself and from this hateful insult. Instead, she was seen after the debate congratulating him on “answering all the questions” and leading the chant, “Four more years.”

The repercussions of this unexplained disaster will be swift and severe.

Biden and First Lady Jill Biden leave the presidential debate. AP

Biden will inevitably have to resign from office to allow someone younger and more dynamic to replace him as the Democratic nominee before it is too late.

And it won't be Republicans, or people like Bill Ackman and me, who force him out.

It would be the same democrats who shamefully tried to pretend that their Emperor had new clothes on, when they all knew he didn't have any.




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