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On this day 32 years ago, the Landers Earthquake struck the Morongo Basin.


Today marks the 32nd anniversary of the 1992 Landers earthquake that left much of the Morongo Basin in ruins with a magnitude of 7.3.

At 4:57 a.m. on Sunday, June 28, 1992, a magnitude 7.3 earthquake woke up much of Southern California. It was a time when many were waiting for “the big one,” and while it would avoid that distinction, it was still strong enough to cause significant damage here in the basin; although the loss of life was minimal due to the sprawling landscape and residents farther away.

The earthquake struck hard within the first 32 seconds, followed by a 6.1 magnitude aftershock four minutes later. Z1077 was on the air when it happened, during Marty Martinez’s show “The Night Owl.” In the fall 1992 earthquake special of Hi-Desert magazine, Martinez recalled that it was like “trying to keep your feet on the deck of a ship that had weathered a huge storm.” As he held all the station’s equipment to keep it from collapsing, fortunately the station’s backup generators kicked in. By the end of the earthquake, the only means of communication for our then 80,000 residents was Z1077’s 3,000-watt FM radio station. Still, the lines were crowded with panic and anxiety.

In Yucca Valley, homes and mobile homes were on fire, and a bowling alley was destroyed. At the epicenter of the quake in Landers, entire homes were ripped in half by the force of the quake while others caught fire, but with Landers’ water system broken, firefighters had no water to fight the raging flames. The most tragic story was that of a three-year-old boy who was killed when a fireplace collapsed in Yucca Valley. In all, 125 people were seen with earthquake-related injuries.

Damage to the landscape included cracks that formed in the ground and extended for miles. One resident recalls dropping 500 feet of fishing line into one crack to deduce its depth before the line disappeared completely.

As the damage and rescue operations continued, Gary and Cindy Daigneault of Z1077 saw the need to prevent panic in the community, so they canceled today’s programming and moved to a full news format to allow people to report calls for help and stay in touch with loved ones over the air. The station quickly became not only a communications and command center, but also a meeting place for volunteers and displaced residents in need of emergency supplies. By this time, Z1077 had become the sole entity through which all information could be communicated, and eventually, National Red Cross officials asked them to allow the station to be designated as the main center for collecting and distributing all earthquake relief for the Red Cross.

Read: “The Little Radio Station That Could” from Hi-Desert Magazine (PDF link)




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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